Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Xmas Eve Santa Claus net on WN8Z 147.39 Repeater


The gang on the Hi-Gate Echolink conference server has again for the 5th year in a row made special arrangements with Santa Claus to talk to the kiddies on Christmas eve. Santa's sleigh has been equipped with a radio similar the one on the international space station and he will be available to talk to the little ones when he leaves the North Pole and flies across the globe.

The WN8Z repeater in Fulton (147.39 PL 103.5) will be connected to the Do-Drop-Inn conference server beginning at 6 pm on Christmas eve and available for third party traffic for all the little ones in Central NY to talk to Santa.

As with any networked conference, please be patient when checking in - press ptt switch - pause then check in per the net controls instructions. Check ins will be heard from around the country, and around the world, so bring the little ones into the shack and chat with Santa!

Sounds like fun

de Wn8z

(Here is a link to the you tube promo by the gang at Newsline that explains: )

- Thanks for connecting that up for us Pat!                                                  

Don't miss the "The Night Before Christmas" on the Fulton 147.15 Pathfinder NET at 9pm.

                                                               ...BE CAREFUL SANTA!


Monday, December 21, 2015

Have some fun with Short Wave Listening (SWL)

On some of our recent area NET's we have been chatting about Short Wave Listening (from 150 khz to 30 mhz). So I thought I would put together a small primer on shortwave. Many of us got our start as SWL's when we were young and have stories about our favorite experiences and equipment. Personally I have always been intrigued by listening to all types of radio from around the world.

I recently have read and heard many comments on the rapidly disappearing SWL Broadcasters that are being replaced by newer technologies. Don't give up yet, as there are still a lot of communications to be heard. You can easily find quite a few broadcasters and all kinds of utility, marine, aircraft and military communications on the low bands.

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

The Radio Wave Net

Message from K2FX:

The Radio Wave Net will be held on Sunday Evenings at 8:30PM on the 146.655 repeater system located in S. Bristol, NY.  It will commence immediately following the conclusion of the ROC City Net that’s held on the 145.11 repeater. We’ll just shuffle everyone over to the other frequency for the net.  The NET will be held weekly!

Please also pass the word that there is a FB Page for the Net.  Just do a search on The Radio Wave Net, and you’ll find it.  I look forward to hearing people from Central New York join us!! The next net will be held this coming Sunday, December 20th.


Paul Jason Kolacki-K2FX

The Radio Wave Net was created for the purpose of discussing topics relating to Conspiracy Theories, UFO's, ET's, and Scientific Studies through Ham Radio.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Rochester Hamfest 2016 - looking for volunteers

Message from the RARA Team!

"The Rochester Hamfest... bring it home, where it belongs!"

Given the excitement of returning to a "self produced" model for our Hamfest, we circulated a Volunteer Sign-up Sheet at the last meeting. If you did not have the opportunity to sign-up (or are now thinking you want to be part of our success), you can still join in!

Follow this link, and fill-in the details:

(unless you are the one person with terrible handwriting that we couldn't decipher) :-)

NOTE: If the form doesn't work well for you, send an e-mail to: and we will sign you up manually.

All volunteers will be informed of an upcoming organizational and kickoff meeting that may be taking place as early as next week!

"... we need YOU to make it happen!"

from the Rochester Amateur Radio Association (RARA)

more info at

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

First P25 repeater in Rochester!

Hello everyone!

Just wanted to share with my fellow amateurs that I just put Rochester's first P25 system up in town. Located at Highland Hospital 444.35 analog 110.9 pl and P25 NAC 293 . Using Motorola Quantar in mixed mode, and coverage is City wide. I need to install a preamp and additional receiver cavity but Friday proved to be a great outcome. Antenna is DB 420.

So for Christmas don't forget to purchase some XTX portables. The 444.25 at Strong hospital will be the next system to be switched over. Currently working on it and it will be mixed with ALLSTAR, ECHOLINK , and current IRLP.

73 - Mike; W2HYP/ WR2AHL/WR2ROC

..........nice job Mike! 

Thanks for all you do for the amateurs in Upstate NY!