Huge Windows bug ruining your receive performance on all digital modes, fix discovered
There's a bug with the USB audio chipset used in many ham radio sound interfaces that occurs in Windows Vista and later. The affected chipset is the TI PCM2900 series PCM2904 and below, pre-C revisions.
A non-exhaustive list of devices using this chip and therefore have the bug guaranteed:
All Icoms with built in USB Audio
All Kenwoods with built in USB Audio
All Yaesus with built in USB Audio, as well as the SCU-17 Interface
All Signalink USB's
If you have one of these devices, and are on Windows Vista or later, your performance is reduced due to this bug even if you think it's working fine. Wait until you see your performance afterwards! This is confirmed by Texas Instruments, who never recommended this chipset for use on Windows Vista and later in the first place, and also tested with more than 70 hams who gained massive receive performance after the fix.
www.UPSTATEHAM.COM .....................................................If you have an upcoming event or news item that you would like published, please contact us at
Monday, September 21, 2015
Sunday, September 13, 2015
Pumpkin Patrol 2015

The Liverpool Amateur Radio Club (LARC), the Amateur Radio community and The New York State Police (Troop T) are again pleased to sponsor the 2015 Pumpkin Patrol. (Most counties across NY have Ham radio groups participating)
This is a two night public service event to be held on October 30th and 31st from 19:00 to 21:00 hours. The chairman is seeking Amateur Radio Operators who can dedicate one or both evenings. Operators are encouraged to work in pairs and non-ham friends, family or pets are encouraged to accompany them. Teams will operate from their vehicles (no walking or standing required) and repeater coverage is generally okay for handheld use although mobile units are encouraged.
Saturday, September 12, 2015
Binghamton area repeaters
A few folks have asked for news on active Binghamton Area Amateur Repeaters.
Check out our list below:
146.730 - 100.0 Binghamton K2TDV (Ingraham Hill) Linked to Ithaca 146.895 K2ZG
146.865 - 146.2 Maine WA2QEL (E.A. Link Field)
146.820 – 146.2 Vestal WA2QEL (Kopernik Obs) Linked to 146.865
147.345 + 146.2 Hancock WA2QEL Liked to 146.865
147.120 + 100.0 Vestal K2ZG
147.075 + CSQ K2VQ Not Sure of the Location
145.470 – CSQ W2EWM Town of Binghamton near the PA border.
147.255 + 100.0 WA2VCS Endicott
145.390 – 123.0 N2YR Endicott
146.760 – CSQ W2VDX Owego
147.300 + 91.5 K2OQ Candor
147.390 + 91.5 K2OQ Owego
145.430 + 77.0 N3KZ Elk Mt. PA I-81 Good Signal From Binghamton South
444.100 + 146.2 WA2QEL Vestal Linked to 146.865
444.300 + 173.8 N2YOW Endicott Linked to WA2VCS 147.255
444.700 + 131.8 N3KZ University of Penn. Linked 70CM -currently down.
Check out our list below:
146.730 - 100.0 Binghamton K2TDV (Ingraham Hill) Linked to Ithaca 146.895 K2ZG
146.865 - 146.2 Maine WA2QEL (E.A. Link Field)
146.820 – 146.2 Vestal WA2QEL (Kopernik Obs) Linked to 146.865
147.345 + 146.2 Hancock WA2QEL Liked to 146.865
147.120 + 100.0 Vestal K2ZG
147.075 + CSQ K2VQ Not Sure of the Location
145.470 – CSQ W2EWM Town of Binghamton near the PA border.
147.255 + 100.0 WA2VCS Endicott
145.390 – 123.0 N2YR Endicott
146.760 – CSQ W2VDX Owego
147.300 + 91.5 K2OQ Candor
147.390 + 91.5 K2OQ Owego
145.430 + 77.0 N3KZ Elk Mt. PA I-81 Good Signal From Binghamton South
444.100 + 146.2 WA2QEL Vestal Linked to 146.865
444.300 + 173.8 N2YOW Endicott Linked to WA2VCS 147.255
444.700 + 131.8 N3KZ University of Penn. Linked 70CM -currently down.
Thanks to KD2GIV; Kris for his list of observations from the Southern Tier (7/8/15)
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Bear Bait Radio Club - upcoming events and news!
The Bear Bait Radio Club
is having their second annual Tailgate Fest on Saturday 9/26 from
6am until 1pm. It’s at the Town of Clay Welcome Center (4401 Route 31, Clay, NY
13041). Everybody is welcome to buy or sell radio related equipment and must
take their things with them when they leave.
We also have a Technician Course and VE session on 10/3 – 10/4 in Long Lake at the Gieger Building on Mt. Sabattis and then we’re back in this neck-of-the-woods for a course and test on 11/14 – 11/15 at the Clay Welcome Center. Both sessions are 8am – 5pm on both days. The cost is $14 and if they want more information, they can contact Scott on our website or check the ARRL site.
- W2CJS-3 APRS is now working off the Blue Mountain repeater with good coverage in the central Adirondacks. Also watch for more news here on other improvements to the clubs repeaters in Long Lake and on Blue Mountain in the Adirondacks!
- Message from Nick Deyulio (KD2ETO)
.....Thanks for the update Nick!
Monday, September 7, 2015
Elmira Hamfest 2015 - Sept. 26th
SEPTEMBER 26, 2015 - 8AM to 2PM at the Chemung County Fairgrounds, Horseheads, NY
Tickets: $6 in ADVANCE and $8 AT THE GATE. Get yours now!
- Flea Market: 6AM to 2PM
- Vendor Bldg: 8AM to 2PM
- Pancake Breakfast: 7AM until sold out.
- Lunch: 10AM until sold out.
- FCC Exams: 9AM
Free Flea Market (price of ticket) - 1 Spot per ticket, Ham & Electronic Gear preferred.
Flea Market Parking for Sellers only!
Inside Vendor Area - Quicksilver Radio
Indoor Vendor Area Available - 8' Tables for rent, Electric available,
Indoor vendor space available by reservation on a first pay - first serve basis.
Door Prizes drawn throughout the day.
Major Prizes drawn at the end of the day.
Be sure to fill-out and deposit your ticket stub in the drawing barrel at the ARAST Club table. The earlier you get the ticket in the barrel, the more prizes that you have a chance to win.
FCC EXAMS will be held at 9:00 AM On the grounds. Walk-ins welcome.
More info:
GPS Coordinates:
Vendor Gate
N 42° 08.661 W 076° 49.000
General Admission Gate
N 42° 08.743 W076° 49.233
Wednesday, September 2, 2015
LARC has upcoming VE Exams and back to "BootCamp"
The Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club (LARC) will start its 2015/2016 VE test sessions starting on September 24th at the North Syracuse Community Center. Testing starts at 5:30pm. Walk-ins are welcome. All exam elements are offered.
If you plan to attend please bring two ID’s (one photo), a copy of your license or CSCE if you have one, and a black pen. The cost to take the exam is $15. If you pass you can continue on to the next level at no charge. Any re-takes cost another $15. Calculators are permitted. Cellphone/Smartphone calculator apps are not allowed.
For any VE Testing questions please contact Al May by email at
And don't miss LARC's next "BootCamp" series on Digital modes, September 24th at 6:15pm.
W2CM BootCamp – Sponsored by the Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club this get-together is similar in concept to the “Now That I’ve Got My License, What Do I Do?” course sponsored by the Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse a number of years ago. It will cover topics of general interest mainly for new hams, but all are welcome. There is no charge for the course which will be held prior to the monthly LARC meetings starting at 6:15pm. More information on the course can be obtained from K2VGN by contacting him at
If you plan to attend please bring two ID’s (one photo), a copy of your license or CSCE if you have one, and a black pen. The cost to take the exam is $15. If you pass you can continue on to the next level at no charge. Any re-takes cost another $15. Calculators are permitted. Cellphone/Smartphone calculator apps are not allowed.
For any VE Testing questions please contact Al May by email at
And don't miss LARC's next "BootCamp" series on Digital modes, September 24th at 6:15pm.
W2CM BootCamp – Sponsored by the Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club this get-together is similar in concept to the “Now That I’ve Got My License, What Do I Do?” course sponsored by the Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse a number of years ago. It will cover topics of general interest mainly for new hams, but all are welcome. There is no charge for the course which will be held prior to the monthly LARC meetings starting at 6:15pm. More information on the course can be obtained from K2VGN by contacting him at
Learn more about LARC at:
More VE Exam listings here:
Tuesday, September 1, 2015
Strong tropo ducting today - Have some fun!
Strong ducting today and forecast-ed for the next two or three days! Give 6, 10, 2 Meters a try!
Get more Tropo predictions at :
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