The Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club operates four repeaters
in the Syracuse area. Their two sites are located
1,600' above sea level and providing coverage from Rochester in the west, to
Cortland in the south, to Utica in the east, and into southern Canada to the
north. No PL tones are required for the LARC repeaters.
Trustee; Input Output
WA2KFV, 146.31 mHz 146.91 mHz
N2VZD, 147.81 mHz 147.21 mHz
KD2SL, 222.52 mHz 224.12 mHz
KD2CJS, 448.3 mHz 443.3 mHz
Check them out! The .91 is fairly busy and you can always find drive time folks on the air between 6-8am weekday mornings on the 146.91 repeater.
LARC website:
LARC website: