Amateur Radio Activation for International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend - August 16-17
Update 8/13/14 From Fred, W2LGA:
After digging through a HUGE pile of politics, with the help of senator Griffo of Oneida, it appears the permit for me to set up a “special event” station, W2LGA, at the Verona Beach lighthouse is finally a reality. The Verona Beach Lighthouse Association has been a tremendous supporter of this endeavor and they are really looking forward to the event. I will be operating on August 16th by 10 am and continue through August 17th until 4pm. I will try to be on as many HF bands as propagation will allow. My set up will only consist of a 10 x 10 screen tent, 746pro, Spiro D-52 dipole, logging software, ..etc. I have made up a special event QSL certificate that can be obtained by making a contact and emailing I will have giveaway ICOM band plans and Gridmaps if anyone is out and about those days also. If anyone wants to join the festivities and “work the rig” … feel free to stop by and give me a break. Please let me know if you plan on working the rig so I can be sure no 2 hams are there at the same time to work it.
Looking forward to contacting all of you as well as the other 450+ ILLW lighthouses and lightships that are registered to participate ….More information can be obtained from W2LGA -Fred Legawiec at Operators for this event are needed and welcomed.
Background on the International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend:
Each year, amateur radio organizations across the nation sponsor several activities to increase awareness of our lighthouse heritage. One of these events includes International Lighthouse-Lightship Weekend, which will be observed in 2014 from August 16 & 17. To celebrate this international heritage event, many clubs will activate temporary radio stations at many Lighthouse’s around the world. The main reason this event has become so popular is because
it is NOT a contest. Its purpose is to promote public awareness of lighthouses
and their need for preservation and restoration and to promote amateur radio as well. Lighthouses
are becoming an endangered species with the advent of Global Positing Systems
and automation. Hopefully this event will highlight this situation and help prevent further decay of the worldwide lighthouse system. The
basic idea is to set up an Amateur station in or adjacent to a lighthouse. In
this way, the station makes a visible presence to the passing public who may be visiting the lighthouse. So if you have some time, tune in that weekend and see if you can make a contact.