Sunday, October 13, 2013

CNY Swap Net moving to the 147.000!

The CNY Swap and Information net is moving to the 147.000 and its sister linked repeaters!

The Swap Net hosted by Tim; N2VZD, will be moving from the 146.910 repeater to the 147.000 in Auburn on Wednesday October 16, 2013. Hear others or post your own swap listings or ham radio information. This is an excellent coverage repeater system covering a large area of upstate NY. This net is a well attended net that takes place at 7pm every Wednesday night.

Auburn, 147.00, + offset, 71.9 tone
Cortland 147.225, + offset, 71.9 tone
Remsen 145.33, - offset, 71.9 tone
Ithaca 146.97, - offset, 103.5 tone
Syracuse 443.15, + offset, 71.9 tone
Syracuse 53.67, - offset, 103.5 tone ****linked in only during this Net
Syracuse 29.64, - offset, 94.8 tone ****linked in only during this Net
(and soon, Syracuse 224.12, -offset, PL 103.5!!)

Details on the 147.000 linked repeater system:

Stay tuned for here for more details!

Saturday, October 12, 2013

2014 Upstate Hamfests that I have heard about.......

2014 HAMFEST SCHEDULE (just developing!)  .......STAY TUNED!!!

January 11, 2014 - Marathon Hamfest, Skyline Amateur Radio Club, Marathon NY. info at:

January 25, 2014 - Lockport Amateur Radio Winter HamfestLockport Amateur Radio Association, Lockport, NY. info at:

February 1, 2014 - RARA Winterfest, - Winterfest at Mendon Ponds Park, Stewart Lodge, Mendon, NY. (Rochester)

February 22, 2014 - 33rd annual ARAST Winter Hamfest, Horseheads, NY

April 5, 2014 - Drumlins Hamfest, Newark, NY. , (need to confirm location).Palmyra VFW Post 6778, 4306 Route 31, Palmyra, NY., Vendors at 7:00 AM, Public 8:00 AM-Till?

April 19, 2014 - Syracuse VE Team Exams, Liverpool Library, 12-1pm, contact the Syracuse VE Team :

May 3, 2014 - The 2nd annual Auburn Ham Swap Meet will be held at the old GE Powerex parking lot at 357 W. Genesee St. in Auburn N.Y. (next to McDonald's). All proceeds to charity! link;

May 3, 2014 - The annual Antique Wireless Association (AWA) Spring Meet will be held at the Veterans Park Complex on Rts. 5&20 in East Bloomfield NY. Stay tuned for more details! link:

May 10, 2014 - East Greenbush ARA HamfestEast Greenbush Amateur Radio Club, Rennselaer NY (Albany), info at link:

May 16-18, 2014 - Dayton Hamvention, Dayton, Ohio

June 14, 2014 - Cortland Hamfest, Skyline Amateur Radio Club, Cortland County Fairgrounds Exit 12 from I-81, Event runs from 7am to 2pm. info at:

June 28-29, 2014 - ARRL Field Day 2014 - lots of local sites! Learn more at:

July 13, 2014 - RAGS Hamfest, Radio Amateurs of Greater Syracuse  American Legion Post, Cicero, NY. link:

July 19, 2014 - Syracuse VE Team Exams, Liverpool Library, 12-1pm, contact the Syracuse VE Team :

July 19, 2014 - Radiocom 2014, Utica Hamfest, Utica Amatuer Radio Club, Frankfort NY link:

July 19, 2014 - Batavia Hamfest 2014, Lancaster Amatuer Radio Club, Alexander NY, 

August 2, 2014   Ithaca Hamfest, Tompkins County Amateur Radio Club, Trumansburg Fairgrounds  (website link: )

August 16, 2014   KLARA Hamfest, Hornell, NY.  (website link:

September 7, 2014, (Sunday)  Saratoga Hamfest, Balston Spa, NY.  (website link:

September 13, 2014,  RARA "Thrill before the chill" Ham Tailgate and Flea Market, Webster NY more info at:

September 14, 2014,  Lancaster Hamfest, LARC, Lancaster, NY.  (website link: )

September 20, 2014,  ROC City Net Picnic, Mendon Ponds Park, west of Victor, NY. more info:

September 27, 2014, 39th Annual Elmira Hamfest, ARA of Southern Tier, Horseheads, NY ,

September 27, 2014, Bear Bait Radio Club - Tailgate fest -  Clay Historical Bldg, Rt. 31, Clay, NY ,

(keywords; Upstate, CNY hamfests, WNY hamfests, NYS hamfests)

Friday, October 11, 2013

NYS UHF Linked Repeater System 2 - NORTH / SOUTH

When your headed into the North Country, also try the North/South UHF System 2 that KA2FWN and company are putting together. This has very nice coverage along the Route 12 and 28 corridors, as well as many other areas in the north country. We will post updates here as the system development progresses. 

NYS UHF Linked Repeaters: System 2 - NORTH / SOUTH:

443.850 + 103.5 Kirkland, NY - KA2FWN/R on air,linked
443.175 + 103.5 Old Forge, NY - KA2FWN/R on air,linked
449.675 - 103.5 Long Lake, NY - KA2FWN/R on air,linked (please note the correction to freq)
449.325 - 103.5 Crystal Dale, NY/Lowville, NY - KA2FWN/R > will be on the air soon -few weeks,linked
449.675 - 103.5 Waterville, NY - KA2FWN/R > will be on the air soon - next week ,linked

Thanks to KA2FWN - Bob for the latest info on these growing systems!




This is a great system and fun to use. Coverage from Albany to Buffalo, south to Cortland and north to Lake Ontario and the Adirondacks.Thanks to all the repeater owners and trustees for all their hard work that makes this system possible.

The "Empire State Network" statewide linked repeater system (System 1)
 [UPDATED status - as of 8/29/13]  
See Front Pages section for latest updates at:

147.36+ no tone  Albany/Lake Nancy N2FEP(K2LM)
442.100+ PL 103.5 Frankfort KA2FWN/R
444.400+ PL 103.5 Fonda/Ilion KB2AUJ/R
442.575+ PL 103.5 Utica KA2FWN/R
449.925- PL 151.4 Remsen KB2AUJ/R
442.850+ PL 71.9 Cortland KB2FAF/R(new May 2013)
443.100+ PL 103.5 Syracuse WA2AUL/R (is back on-the-air! April 28th, 2013)
442.400+ PL 103.5 Syracuse KD2SL/R 
449.225- PL 103.5 Watertown KA2FWN/R (NEW as of 8/29/13)-note; there may be changes to this frequency - STAY TUNED HERE, For updates as they become available!
442.350+ PL 103.5 Oswego K2QQY/R
444.150+ PL 71.9 Auburn W2QYT/R
443.600+ PL 110.9 Bristol N2XFX/R
444.050+ PL 88.5 Attica N2XFX/R
442.100+ PL 88.5 Colden W2IVB


These are the active repeaters on the statewide system west from Albany to Buffalo and north to Oswego and Watertown. Program them into (14) successive memory locations in your radio and spin the "knob" as you drive across the state!

Thanks to the owners/trustees; Clint-N2FMM, Nick-N2XFX, Bob-KA2FWN, Kevin-KD2SL, Jack-W2QYT, Chris - KB2FAF, Bob-N2FEP, Mike-KB2AUJ, Darrell K1DCC and Jim-K2LM for helping me update the latest status on their great linked system.

Try it out........It's working great!


(keywords = linked UHF repeaters, New York repeaters, CNY repeaters, The Empire State Network)

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Don't forget 220mhz if you have the capability!

The Syracuse 220 Repeater is now back on the air and run by Kevin; KD2SL. It has been rebuilt and is going through some fine tuning. Give it a try and watch for coming improvements over the next month or so.

224.120 (-) PL 103.5 – KD2SL at Sentinel Heights, Lafayette, NY.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Have you heard their Balloon? (on 446.450mhz)

The Tompkins County Amateur Radio Association (TCARA) launched a radio equipped weather balloon around 4pm today (Sunday 10/6/13) from a location near the Pyramid Mall in Ithaca. The radio transmitter was tracked North and East into Cayuga County. The last known strongest signal was from a location between Owasco and Skanaeateles Lakes. The radio payload was not recovered and the search was called off at dark. The radio was transmitting a CW ID on 446.450 mhz. The club estimated the life of the battery at about 10 hours, so it will most likely fail overnight into Monday morning. If any one does recover it, please contact any TCARA board member through their web site at for instructions on how to return it to their group.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Software Defined Radio (SDR) info

Software-defined radio (SDR) is a radio communication system where components that have been typically implemented in hardware (e.g. mixers, filters, amplifiers, modulators/demodulators, detectors, etc.) are instead implemented by means of software on a personal computer or embedded system. While the concept of SDR is not new, the rapidly evolving capabilities of digital electronics render practical many processes which used to be only theoretically possible.

Here are a few SDR radio information links. I will add more as I find them or other people recommend them:

Wikipedia link to SDR :

SDR Radio roundup listing of Radios:

Listen to some SDR radios around the world:

A blog about RTL-SDR (RTL2832U) and cheap software defined radio:

Ham Radio Science - some good SDR info:

SDR is a brief overview of several SDR transceivers on the market:

SDR software links:


SDR # (sharp) - SDR software that works well with the RTL-SDR dongle:

HDSDR - SDR software:

Nooelec software (downloads tab) help page SDR # Auto loader (works very well!): SDR Console software and general SDR information:

(last updated 4/25/14)