Thursday, March 9, 2023

Need help for the St. Patrick's Day Parade this Saturday in Syracuse

Public service request:

We need a few more operators for the St. Patrick's Day Parade this Saturday.  It is a fun,  interesting event
which I have volunteered at for many years.  The organizers treat us well and reward us with hats, shirts, and a reception after the parade.

The club has available HTs, so don't let that hold you back.

If you can help, email Amir at or Walt at

Thanks in advance for your help.

Jerry, NK2C


Sunday, March 5, 2023

Save the Date! - CNY Ham Radio Breakfast - Sat. 5/6/23

 Ham Radio Breakfast

The next breakfast is scheduled and the event is open to ALL local Hams. It will be Saturday, May 6th, 2023 at 8:00 am. This is a great chance to meet up with some of the folks you talk to on the air, but possibly have never met in person. Come on all you drive time radio jockeys, "6M QCWA Netters", CNY SWAP and Hobby Net check-ins - we hope to see you all there.

Location: The "Finally Ours Diner" is at 3788 West Seneca Turnpike, at the corner with Cedarville Rd. in the Onondaga Hill area of Syracuse (see directions here:

Thanks to K2WOP; Curt for his continuing efforts for this excellent get together.

Questions? contact Curt; K2WOP on the 146.67 or 147.195 repeater.

Finally Ours Diner link: 

Saturday, March 4, 2023

NY Ham Online VE Testing - VEs Needed!

 Hi there!

Myself and a couple other hams are looking to recruit VEs from across the state for online VE sessions. The goal is to make more test sessions available online for current / future hams in NY state and the surrounding area while also promoting the local clubs nearest them. We'd love to partner with any VEs or Club VE teams.

Contact Shaun N2EWC ( for more info.

73 de Shaun N2EWC
‪(315) 557-8186‬
HH:  86-1237610

Friday, March 3, 2023

S Meter signal strength vs. dBm

The topic of S meter readings came up up the other day on a repeater discussion, so we thought we would post a reference table and a link to an informative explanation on S meter readings. This is always an interesting topic among Hams, as most of us have noticed differences among various radios.

Link to More information on Measuring Radio Signal Strength:

(Always Remember; "your mileage may vary!")