Saturday May 2, 2015
Bloomfield, New York
As part of this year’s Antique Wireless Association Spring Meet, the AWA will hold a very special, a very BIG auction of duplicate items from the
Museum’s collection. The BIG auction will be held in the afternoon at Rhonda’s Auction House just down the street from
the Spring Meet and the Museum. Don’t miss this very special, very BIG auction. A partial list of items to be auctioned will
be posted on the AWA web site as they are set aside for the auction.
Come early in the morning to the Spring Meet and enjoy the flea market (better yet, bring items to sell), the bargain table
Museum sale, Dan’s doughnuts and coffee, and at 10:00 am, visit the Museum.
The BIG auction will begin at 1 pm with
Rich Estes auctioneering.
The auction preview will be open at Noon at Rhonda’s Auction House. Also, take some time for lunch and browse for
antiques at Rhonda’s Antique Center.
And, enjoy all this for only a $5 admission ticket. If you are not an AWA member and want to visit the Museum, buy a
Spring Meet/Museum admission combination ticket for only $10 (a $2 discount for admission to the Museum)
The tentative schedule for this BIG day:
7:00 am Flea Market opens Veteran’s Park
8:00 am AWA Museum Bargain Table Sale Annex Building, Veteran’s Park
10:00 am Antique Wireless Museum open until Noon
Noon Auction pre-view Rhonda’s Auction House
1 pm Rich Estes starts the BIG AWA Auction
Because of the nature of the auction this year, AWA will not be able to accept member’s items to be auctioned at this
event. But, please bring them to the AWA Convention to be held August 11 to 15 at the RIT Conference Center.
AWA web site: