WHAT: Cortland Winter Hamfest
WHEN: January 12, 2019, 7am - Noon
WHERE: Marathon Civic Center, 16 Brink St. Marathon NY
Sponsored by the Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, NY
Admission: $5.00 each, 12 and under free. Tables: $5.00 each plus admission
Please note: We are unable to offer VE testing this year.
More info: http://www.arrl.org/hamfests/sarc-winter-fest
Directions: (Signs will be posted)
From Syracuse (north): I-81 south to Marathon exit 9. Turn left on to Route 11 south. At the traffic light, turn right on to route 221 west. Turn left on to Peck St. immediately before the green steel deck bridge.
From Binghamton (south): I-81 North to Marathon Exit 9.Turn left on to route 221 west. Go straight through the traffic light. Turn left on to Peck St. immediately before the green steel deck bridge.
From Ithaca: Route 13 east to route 38 south to route 221 east. Turn right on to Peck St. immediately after the green steel deck bridge.
Andrew C Slaugh KB2LUV - Secretary