Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year! Marathon Hamfest is coming up soon!

The Marathon NY hamfest will be held on Saturday January 11th from 7 AM until Noon at the Marathon NY Civic Center, 16 Brink St. in Marathon NY.
Talk in will be provided on the 147.180 repeater in Cortland, NY

Admission is $5.00 each. Free coffee is available, donuts and soda for a small fee.

VE testing will be available (off site). Testing begins at 9 AM sharp.

Please e-mail with questions at k2iwr@arrl.net.

We hope to see you there!!

Travel Directions: signs will be posted.
From the North: I-81 to Marathon Exit 9. Turn Left on to route 11 south. Turn right at the light on to route 221 west. Turn left on to Peck St immediately before the steel deck bridge.
From the South: I-81 to Marathon Exit 9. Turn Left on to route 221 west. Go straight through the traffic light. Turn left on to Peck St immediately before the steel deck bridge.
From Ithaca: Take Route 13 south to Dryden. Turn right on to route 38 south. Follow Route 38 to Harford. Turn left on to route 221 east. Turn right on to Peck St immediately following the steel deck bridge.
-- ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ -
Andrew C. Slaugh KB2LUV
Secretary, Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, NY
145.490 Repeater PL 71.9 Cortland, NY

Sunday, December 15, 2019

SAQ Alexanderson transmitter on XMAS eve

SAQ, the call sign of the 1920s vintage Alexanderson transmitter in Grimeton, Sweden, is set to be on the air for its annual Christmas Eve transmission December 24th at 0800 UTC.

SAQ transmits CW with up to 200 kW on 17.2 kHz. Tune-up is scheduled to begin at around 0730 UTC, with the holiday message transmitted on December 24 at 0800 UTC.

The transmitter set consists in all essentials of three parts, the driving motor, a gear drive and the high frequency generator, commonly called the alternator. They are assembled on a solid base of steel. The weight of the complete transmitter set is about 50 tons.

Learn more about this interesting transmitter:

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Santa Claus Nets - 2019

Tune in on 3.916 mhz, and give the kids or grand-kids a chance to talk to Santa Claus at the North Pole!   It is indeed a magical experience to experience kids talking with Santa through the magic of Amateur Radio!

The 3916 Santa Net is on the air every night, November 29th through December 24th at 7:15 PM Central. To participate in The Santa Net, just have your kids prepared to tell Santa their top 2-3 gift wishes.

The Santa Nets are presented annually by The 3916 Nets. The Weather Bunch, The Rag Chew Crew, The Tailgaters, The Freewheelers and The 3916 Late Late Show are all amateur radio nets that meet on 3.916 MHz.
For more information on The 3916 Santa Net, go to CQ Santa Nets, which  can be found at: https://www.cqsanta.com/about

For more information on The 3916 Nets, go to www.3916nets.com 


ONTARS is pleased to announce: 
The Santa Claus Net  for 2019
       Once again this year, Santa  Claus will be join us on the amateur bands to chat with children of all ages.

80 Meters....ONTARS Net frequency  3.755 mhz LSB 
December 19th (Thursday), December 20th (Friday) 
Net start time  4:30pm till ? 
link: http://www.ontars.com/Special%20Events/santa_net_2019/index.html

Sunday, December 8, 2019

First 2020 Hamfest - Marathon NY - January 11, 2020

Marathon Winter Hamfest

The Skyline Amateur Radio Club will be holding their annual Winterfest on January 11th 2020 at the Marathon Civic Center, Marathon NY.

Time: 7am – Noon
Admission: $5
Tables: $5 each.

Talk-In: The K2IWR Repeater – 147.180(+) PL 71.9

Location: Marathon Civic Center – Corner of Brink & Peck Streets Marathon NY. See Map below

FREE COFFEE! and Green Hills Bakery Donuts for Sale for a $1

Come enjoy amateur radio fellowship and spend some of your Christmas money there or sell your stuff!

More info at: http://www.skylineradioclub.org/sarc-winterfest-2020/

Public Contact: Pat Dunn , KC2BQZ
Rams Gulch Road Jamesville, NY 13078
Phone: 315-456-8955 Email: k2iwr@arrl.net

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Skywarn recognition day 2019 - December 6-7

During SKYWARN™ recognition day,  Event operators will visit NWS offices and contact other radio operators across the world. In Upstate NY the Buffalo NWS office will be participating this year.

The event starts Friday night (12/6) at 7pm through 7pm Saturday(12/7).

SKYWARN™ Recognition Day was developed in 1999 by the National Weather Service and the American Radio Relay League. It celebrates the contributions that SKYWARN™ volunteers make to the NWS mission, the protection of life and property. Amateur radio operators comprise a large percentage of the SKYWARN™ volunteers across the country. The Amateur radio operators also provide vital communication between the NWS and emergency management if normal communications become inoperative.

Complete details: http://www.arrl.org/skywarn-recognition-day

More info: https://www.weather.gov/crh/skywarnrecognition

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

AWA Hartley Transmitter video on Youtube

The Antique Wireless Association has a new video with Andy, K0SM, discussing the 1920s style Hartley transmitters that he built and uses on the air, most recently in the AWA Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party.

I thought that this might be of interest to the local ham community.
Video: https://youtu.be/Lli4DI2XFMQ

73 de AE2EA,
Mark Erdle
Trustee, Antique Wireless Association

more AWA Bruce Kelley 1929 QSO Party info at:

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

CNY Ham Radio Breakfast - Saturday on December 7th, 2019

Ham Radio Breakfast

The next breakfast is scheduled and the event is open to ALL local Hams. It will be Saturday, December 7th, 2019 at 8:00 am. This is a great chance to meet up with some of the folks you talk to on the air, but possibly have never met in person. Come on all you drive time radio jockeys, "6M QCWA Netters", CNY SWAP and Hobby Net check-ins - we hope to see you all there.

Location: The "Finally Ours Diner" is at 3788 West Seneca Turnpike, at the corner with Cedarville Rd. in the Onondaga Hill area of Syracuse (see directions here: http://finallyoursdiner.com/hours-contact ).

Thanks to K2WOP; Curt for his continuing efforts for this excellent get together.

Questions? contact Curt; K2WOP on the 146.67 repeater.

Finally Ours Diner link: http://finallyoursdiner.com 

Monday, October 28, 2019

Antenna change over!

Success! The new Channel 3 antenna in place!

What a beautiful day for a helicopter and climbers to change out the WSTM Channel 3 TV antenna at Sentinel Heights. 

Today was the day! The helicopter and climbing crews arrived early for a pre-work review and safety meeting. By noon the climbers were in place and the helicopter had arrived. By 1pm the old antenna was removed and set on the ground. It took another 4-1/2 hours to remove the old mounting brackets, install the new mounting hardware and finally set the new antenna in place.

Removing the old Batwing Antenna!

The old antenna that was installed in 2001 is being replaced as part of the FCC mandated television frequency repack  which is driving major changes to TV transmitters and antennas all over the country.

Read more about the project in our post from earlier this year : https://www.upstateham.com/2019/07/its-been-great-run.html

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Winter SkyWarn Training

 Folks its that time again!

Winter SKYWARN Spotter Training Classes are coming!

Most upstate NY counties are conducting Winter SkyWarn Training in October and November.

The training will be held at various area locations and on-line. This class is for beginners or anybody that has a general interest in weather. These classes train volunteers how to accurately measure and report snowfall totals to the National Weather Service. The class is free and open to everyone; no age requirements, previous training, or equipment is required.

The SKYWARN program is a nationwide program that provides real-time severe weather reports to the National Weather Service. "Trained weather spotters provide valuable lifesaving information to the National Weather Service and we encourage those who have an interest in weather to participate in this critical program," said David Nicosia, Warning Coordination Meteorologist in Binghamton NY. "Despite all the technological advances, SKYWARN Spotter reports are still crucial to the National Weather Service in providing more accurate severe weather warnings," Nicosia continues.

See the full training schedules at:

Binghamton (Syracuse):  http://www.weather.gov/bgm/outreachSKYWARNtraining
Buffalo (Rochester): http://www.weather.gov/buf/Skywarn
Albany :https://www.weather.gov/aly/skywarn

Learn more about SKYWARN and Amateur Radio at: http://www.upstateham.com/p/skywarn.html

full Binghamton NWS training schedule and deatils at:

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Tech Class - Syracuse November 16th & 17th

The Bear Bait Radio Club will be holding a Technician Licensing Class November 16th and 17th 2019 at the Clay Highway Department, Clay NY.

No charge of the class, VE exam will be held after the Sunday Class, and will have a $14 exam fee.

Complete details may be found at: http://www.arrl.org/courses/clay-ny-13041-25 or at wa2dtn@gmail.com

de Scott WA2DTN

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Balloon Launch - Sat. October 19th, 2019

UPDATE: Congratulations to Mike and the entire Balloon team! They had a beautiful day for this flight.  The balloon traveled almost 70 miles in just over 2 hours reaching altitudes over 100,000 feet! Go see the video of the launch and trip at the You-tube link referenced below!

The Amateur Radio Club at Cornell, W2CXM,  in cooperation with the Five Rivers Council of the Boy Scouts of America will be hosting a High Altitude Balloon launch during their 62nd annual JOTA Jamboree on the Air event on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at 10:00am.  

The balloon will be launched from the JOTA event in Howard, NY.  The payload is expected to reach 100,000 feet and land approximately 70 miles downrange in the vicinity of Richford, NY.  If all of our technology works, we will be live streaming live video from the payload for the duration of the flight.  

The stream will be available on youtube beginning at 9:45am here:  https://youtu.be/wfGLo4DYhq0   
Additional tracking links will be in the “Description” of the youtube page.

From: Mike Hojnowski / KD2EAT,
Advisor to the Amateur Radio Club at Cornell

Monday, October 14, 2019

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

NY QSO Party - Saturday 10/19/19

We're getting close........the NYQSO Party is a week from this Saturday.   

Check out the activation page at NYQP.org:

 Please upload your NYQP plans...please activate your county or one close to you.  Please ask your friends to get on the air.  The spotlight will be on NY on Saturday 10/19 from 10am-10pm eastern time. 
NYQP rules are here. 
Exchange is:  Signal Report and County Abbreviation for in-state and Signal Report and state, province, DX for out-of-state.

Also check out the current plaque page:
NYQP has the best Sponsorship Team in the game.  When you see one of the sponsors, please tell them thank you.  Without them, a healthy NYQP could not exist.

Friday, October 4, 2019

RARA Academy - Workshops: HF Operations in the Park

Saturday — HF Operations in the Park

October 5th, 2019 (10am-5pm)
Topics: HF Field Activities — This is a GREAT opportunity to learn from experienced operators and use a variety of antennas and equipment. Acitivities:
Antenna Demonstrations: Dipoles, EFHWs, Random Wires, Ground mounted Verticals and any others that we can come up with.
Antenna Installation Techniques: Air Canon, Fishing Pole, Sling Shot, Weight Toss, Tripods and mounts for Verticals.
Minimum HF Provided Equipment: (12vdc) Yaesu FT-450, FT-857D, Kenwood TS-440. IC-7300, and FT-991A. Bring your own rigs like K2, QRP rigs etc.
Battery Power Types: Sealed Lead Acid, AGM, Li-ion, Solar Panels
HF Operating (Getting on the Air): Making QSOs on SSB and CW.
Since this is an all day project, RaRa will provide charcoal so we can BBQ our lunch. BYOB (Bring your own Burgers or Hots). Food is not provided.
This is a GREAT opportunity to learn from experienced operators and use a variety of antennas and equipment. There is plenty of room and tall trees for antenna installations and testing.
Location: Operations will be at the Durand Eastman Park in the Acorn Shelter.
Sign-up is not required. Come any time.
Please take advantage of the RaRa sponsored training and operating opportunities.

Timothy Brown,
FCC Callsign: WB2PAY
RaRa Education Coordinator
cell: 585 750 2087

Northern NY Bird Tracker help

Any readers in the North Country that can help?

"I saw this on Facebook and is in our area.
Only a few days left according to the post."
from Jim,N2NXZ

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Upgrade to WA2NAN North Country repeater

The WA2NAN 147.135 repeater in Northern NY (Oswegathchie NY) has been upgraded. This repeater is a wide area coverage repeater covering the northern Adirondacks with excellent coverage across the Route 3 corridor. This repeater also carries the famous Sully's International Rooster Roster net each day. 

Note from WA2NAN; Kerry on the Rooster Roster Facebook page:

The Oswegatchie Valley Amateur Radio Club (OVARC) who has sponsored the Morning Rooster Roster and other nets for several years,147.135+ with a 151.4 pl.) has recently upgraded to a new repeater. After years of using an old GE 1960's vintage repeater (that turned into fix or repair daily ) lately, we now have a new Bridgecom BCR-50v. This purchase leaves us on the hook for $1500.00. We are asking all who would like to contribute to this project with a donation to please visit our website (ovarc.us) and you will find down the left side of the page our secretary/treasure KB2HPR along with his email and address. Our wide area repeater is a mainstay in Emergencies as it covers four counties in NNY and well into Canada. Thank you in advance...…..73's......Kerry, WA2NAN

OVARC website: 

Monday, August 19, 2019

Balloon launch on Thursday 8/22/19

Upcoming Balloon Launch!

Thursday (8/22) The Kopernik Observatory and Science Center in Vestal NY is launching a high altitude balloon as part of their STEM Summer science camp! They have agreed to let me fly my SSTV payload, which has been updated with an SA868 transmitter chip and new code that should fix the saturation problem we had in the first flight!

Launch time is estimated for 9am. And again, if you could listen to 145.600 Mhz and decode photos and upload to https://reachfornearspace.com/post-image/ that would be awesome! Hoping for some sweet high altitude photos this time!


Thursday, July 25, 2019

International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend - August 17-18, 2019

FROM THE AUGUST 2019 RARA RAG newsletter:

2019 International Lighthouse
Lightship Weekend
by David Timmons, W2DST

Have you ever operated outdoors at a historic site? Have you ever seen the Port
of Rochester from the top of a 197 year old lighthouse? You can do both and
more by joining us for the 2019 International Lighthouse Lightship Weekend
(ILLW) at the Charlotte-Genesee Lighthouse on Lake Ave. in Rochester's historic Charlotte neighborhood. This year the event is on August 17 & 18 and we will be operating (at least) 2 stations using special event call sign K2R from 11 am to 5 pm both days. Come help us operate and talk to lighthouse visitors about amateur radio. Yes, we do hang our antennas from the lighthouse tower!

Friday, July 5, 2019

Possible new threat to Amateur Radio spectrum

Over the last few weeks there have been quite a few news items and on-line discussions brewing over a possible threat to Amateur Radio 2M spectrum allocation. More specifically, a new proposal that will be advanced to the ITU World Radio Communication Conference 2023. It originates with French spectrum regulators and is reported to be at the behest of the Paris-based multinational defense contractor Thales. The concern is the proposed relegation of amateur radio to secondary status of the widely used two-meter band (144 MHz) to permit its usage by aircraft.

All Amateur Radio enthusiasts should have concern over these proposals as the connected world pushes to gain more spectrum for 100's of new types of mobile communications devices.

...and to quote from Hackaday.com:
"Why should this bother you? If you are a radio amateur it should be a grave concern that a band which has provided the “glue” for so many vital services over many decades might come under threat, and if you are not a radio amateur it should concern you that a commercial defense contractor in one country can so easily set in motion the degradation of a globally open resource governed by international treaties penned in your grandparents’ time. Amateur radio is a different regulatory being from the licence-free spectrum that we now depend upon for so many things, but the principle of it being a free resource to all its users remains the same. If you have an interest in retaining the spectrum you use wherever on the dial it may lie, we suggest you support your national amateur radio organisation in opposing this measure".

Read more here: http://www.arrl.org/news/restraint-urged-in-response-to-2-meter-reallocation-proposal

Monday, July 1, 2019

It's been a great run!

 Back on May 13th 2012, CNY Hams had the opportunity to become part of a 6 meter repeater experiment. That was the day the KD2SL 53.67 mhz repeater came on the air with a unique antenna! The former Television Channel 3 Turnstile antenna (a casualty of the analog TV shutoff in 2009) had come back to life supporting amateur radio in Upstate NY. It was an interesting time on 6 meters as many of us played "can you hear me now" from various locations around CNY.

 Things changed this past week, (June 27th, 2019), the 53.67 repeater was switched from the “Batwing” Turnstile TV antenna to a lower communications antenna mounted at approximately 700’. The change was necessitated by the FCC mandated television frequency repack (read more about the repack here: https://www.multichannel.com/news/fcc-frees-up-more-money-for-tv-station-repack  ) which is driving major changes to TV transmitters and antennas all over the country.

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Balloon Launch: SSTV & APRS from "near-space"

A hobby group in Binghamton, New York, Triple Cities Makerspace is planning to launch a balloon with amateur radio payloads on Saturday June 29th, 2019.

The group is launching a high altitude balloon to near space (100,000 feet) and transmitting photos of the atmosphere during the flight.

The Triple Cities Makerspace launch will take place on June 29th around 10:30 AM, tentatively depending on weather. The balloon will be tracked by amateur radio and also live photos during the flight will be transmitted back to the ground via amateur radio.

The group hopes that many radio operators will participate by listening in and uploading photos they receive to the project’s website: https://reachfornearspace.com/

The flight is expected to last around 2.5 hours and the coverage area of reception within 500 miles.
Gary Dewey, an amateur radio operator (callsign KD2PYB) and member of the Triple Cities Makerspace, is leading the project. “I’ve always dreamt of going to space, but this could be the next best thing – building something that goes to (near) space. I hope this project inspires others to experiment and reach for their dreams.”

They are using the MicroTrak-2001 from Byonics for APRS and will be transmitting on 144.390 MHz with the call sign KD2PYB-11. For SSTV, they are using a raspberry pi zero with the pi camera, a pHAT dac for a sound card interface and inexpensive Baofeng brand radio for the transmitter. They will be transmitting on 145.600 MHz.

Read more at: https://hvdnnotebook.blogspot.com/2019/06/upcoming-balloon-launch-sstv-aprs-from.html

Monday, June 17, 2019

Fulton Field Day 2019 at Fort Ontario

Members of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club, with the support of Oswego County Emergency Communicators R.A.C.E.S. ( Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) & Oswego County Office of Emergency Management will be participating in the national Amateur Radio Field Day exercise, June 22 – 23, at Fort Ontario, Oswego New York.

Since 1933, ham radio operators across North America have established temporary ham radio stations in public locations during Field Day to showcase the science and skill of Amateur Radio. This event is open to the public and all are encouraged to attend. For more than 100 years, Amateur Radio — also called ham radio — has allowed people from all walks of life to experiment with electronics and communications techniques, as well as provide a free public service to their communities during a disaster or emergency, all without needing a cell phone or the Internet.

Lots of Upstate NY Field Day events/sites here: https://www.upstateham.com/2019/05/field-day-2019.html

Thursday, May 30, 2019

Parks on the air!

KD2KUB; Andriy, will be camping at Sampson State Park from Friday May 31st until June 2nd. He will be activating the park, K-2133, in support of Parks on the Air. Please support POTA and his Activation. 

Monitor RAGS Facebook page and POTA spotter page for period of activation.  Will be on 20m and 40m Phone and CW.  



Friday, May 24, 2019

Field Day 2019

Field Day is coming soon........June 22nd and 23rd, 2019 

If you want to meet some friendly hams or experience some different operating modes, why don't you stop by one of the many Field Day events taking place in our area. You will see various antenna and radio setups along with operators trying to share their knowledge and score some points making contacts through out the weekend.

 Its a lot of fun - so we hope to see you out there on field day!

What is Field Day?

Field Day is part educational event, part operating event, part public relations event – and ALL about FUN!  link: http://www.arrl.org/files/file/Field-Day/2019/2019%20FD%20Flier%20-%20What%20is%20FD.pdf

ARRL Field Day locator:  http://www.arrl.org/field-day-locator

Check out one of the following LOCAL Upstate NY groups below:
(*please also send us your groups listing)

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Cortland Hamfest - June 8th, 2019

The Cortland Hamfest, sponsored by the Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, will be held Saturday June 8 from 7 AM 'till noon!

Free outdoor flea market, 25 indoor flea market spaces available at $5.00 per 10' space, first come first served.

VE testing will begin at 9 AM sharp.

Breakfast provided by the 4-H Teen Council.

Talk-in on 147.180 + PL 71.9.

For details e-mail k2iwr@arrl.net.

The Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland welcomes Gene & crew from KJI Electronics to the Cortland Hamfest on Saturday June 8 from 7 AM 'till noon! KJI is a full service distributor of Kenwood, Yaesu and many other great lines.

We also welcome Glenn and Sue Alvino from Al-Tech Electronics, specializing in end-lots, close-outs and just great bargains.

Travel directions {signs will be posted}: I-81 to exit 12; turn left on to Route 281 South. Turn left again on to Fisher Ave, (8/10 mile) then right on to Fairgrounds Drive.
From Ithaca: Route 13 North to Route 281 North. Turn right onto Fisher Ave, then right on to Fairgrounds Drive.
For your GPS: 4849 Fairgrounds Dr. Cortland, NY 13045

~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - 
Andrew C. Slaugh KB2LUV
Secretary, Skyline Amateur Radio Club of Cortland, NY

145.490 Repeater PL 71.9 Cortland, NY

Thursday, May 9, 2019


The Army, Air Force, Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are co-sponsoring the annual Military/Amateur Radio Crossband Communications Test. Although Armed Forces Day had traditionally been celebrated on the third Saturday in May -- this year it will be on May 11th 2019 as to not conflict with the Dayton Hamvention.

The annual celebration features traditional military-to-amateur crossband communications SSB voice and Morse code tests. These tests give Amateur Radio operators and short wave listeners an opportunity to demonstrate their individual technical skills and to receive recognition from the appropriate military radio station for their proven expertise. QSL cards will be provided to stations making contact with the military stations.

Monday, May 6, 2019

Toroids and Baluns - RaRa Academy Workshops Sat. 5/11/19

RaRa Academy Workshops
Toroids and Baluns — Theory and Construction
May 2019 — Toroids and Baluns, Theory and Construction — May 11 (10AM to Noon)
•   Baluns — What do they do?
•   1:1, 4:1, 49:1 What ratio do I need?
•   What Toroid Core should I use?
•   Applications for various Baluns, UNUNs and Transformers
•   End Fed Half Wave, Random wires, Dipoles
•   Presentation and Discussions are Free to all Hams
•   Fabricate your own Balun or Transformer on a FT240-43 core
•   Fabrication Cost $10 (for a core and 14ga wire)
•   An Additional core available for $5
This Session will be hosted by Pete Schuch, WB2UAQ and Larry Brightenfield, W2LB.
Location: Session will be held at the Monroe County EOC, 1190 Scottsville Rd. Suite #201, Rochester, NY 14624. Use the rear parking lot. Enter at the rear entrance; proceed down the hall to the front lobby. Go up stairs to the EOC Media Room.
You can sign up for Academy Workshops by emailing education@rochesterham.org.
Please take advantage of the RaRa sponsored training and operating opportunities.
Timothy Brown,
FCC Callsign: WB2PAY
RaRa Education Coordinator

Saturday, April 27, 2019

2019 Ripley Hamfest




FRED KRAUSE N2LXD @716-708-9830 or BOB FULLER N3LBI @ 814-898-1115

From the ARRL email notice

Saturday, April 20, 2019

Finger lakes Balloon launch on Sunday 4/28/19

The Amateur Radio Club at Cornell, W2CXM, is planning a high altitude balloon flight on Sunday, April 28, 2019 between 10am – 1pm.   Our Rain Date is the following Sunday, May 5 at the same time.   The picture above is representative of imagery we capture on these flights.  It was captured from a launch we did from the Rochester Hamfest in 2017.  Lake Ontario and Rochester are visible.
This year’s payload will include a typical set of cameras as well as a cross-band repeater, which you are welcomed to try.  The transmit side of the repeater is a very simple VOX activated affair, so you will want to make a moment of noise to wake it up before speaking.

In addition to the cameras and repeater, we will also have a special DTMF activated payload with its own tracker which we will drop on command.  This is just to add some additional fun and technology to the experiment.

We generally launch the balloon somewhere West of Ithaca so that it descends into farm country just Northeast of Ithaca.  It’s a little early to know the exact launch location, but typically it’s in the Dansville area.  Here’s a typical flight pattern, though we won’t know for sure until the day before launch. In this example, the balloon bursts over Seneca lake, at about 100,000 feet, and the payload descends by parachute to land Northeast of Ithaca.

The payload will include three APRS trackers.  We’ll also have chase vehicles.
                W2CXM-11:        Main Payload
                W2CXM-12:        Main Payload backup (on 144.990)
                W2CXM-13:        Drop payload
                KD2EAT-9:           Main Payload Chase
                KD2JEE-9:            Drop payload Chase
                WB2EMS-7:        Airborne reconnaissance (weather permitting)
Our cross-band repeater will be configured as follows:
Repeater receives on:                   144.580 PL 103.5               (takes about ½ second to wake up Vox)
Repeater transmits on:                 447.025 at 100mw

More details for the flight are on our web site, w2cxm.org.  We will continue to update the content there as the flight nears.

Mike Hojnowski / KD2EAT
Advisor, Amateur Radio Club at Cornell

......These guys always do some pretty cool stuff! Good luck and Thanks for the update Mike!