Thursday, September 29, 2016

Pico balloon launched from the Elmira Hamfest is now halfway around the world

Those of you who were at the Elmira Hamfest may have watched the preparation of a balloon and launch last Saturday morning. Well as I write this, that balloon is now over Central China.

Today, I received an email update from KD2EAT; Mike Hojnowski. Mike is a local amateur who has quite a bit of experience with balloon launches. Here is a brief update and some links (also see the tracking live) so you can get some more background on this very interesting flight:

from Mike:  I launched a pico "floater" balloon at the Elmira Hamfest this past Saturday.  It's Solar powered, using the WSPR protocol to beacon its position at about 10mw.  It has performed very well, and now, 6 flight days later, it's in Central China and going strong.

My flight blog is at:

I gateway the WSPR traffic onto APRS for viewing at:

Great job Mike! We look forward to tracking it in the coming days...........

Saturday, September 24, 2016

SAVE THE DATE - CNY Ham Radio Breakfast on Saturday Nov. 5th

Thanks to K2WOP; Curt, we have finally picked a fall date to get another breakfast scheduled and its open to ALL local Hams. It will be Saturday, November 5th, 8:30-11 am, come early or stay late. This is a great chance to meet up with some of the folks you talk to on the air, but possibly have never met in person. So all you drive time radio jockeys, "6M QCWA Netters", CNY SWAP and Hobby Net check-ins (along with anyone else) come join us for a nice social gathering. The last breakfast was a fun time and we had great food and service from the folks at Finally Ours diner - we hope to see you all there on the 5th of November.

Location: The "Finally Ours Diner" is at 3788 West Seneca Turnpike, at the corner with Cedarville Rd. in the Onondaga Hill area of Syracuse (see directions here: ).

Questions? contact Curt; K2WOP or Tony; KC2VER on the 146.67 repeater.

Finally Ours Diner link:

Sunday, September 18, 2016

Pumpkin Patrol 2016

The Liverpool Amateur Radio Club (LARC), the Amateur Radio community and The New York State Police (Troop T) are again pleased to sponsor the 2016 Pumpkin Patrol. (Most counties across NY have Ham radio groups participating)

This is a two night public service event to be held on October 30th (Sun.) and 31st (Mon.) from 19:00 to 21:00 hours. The chairman is seeking Amateur Radio Operators who can dedicate one or both evenings. Operators are encouraged to work in pairs and non-ham friends, family or pets are encouraged to accompany them. Teams will operate from their vehicles (no walking or standing required) and repeater coverage (146.31/91) is generally okay for handheld.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Amateur Radio Parity Act, H.R. 1301 - Need your help

Dear ARRL member,

I am writing to you today because we are at a crossroad in our efforts to obtain passage of The Amateur Radio Parity Act.

Our legislative efforts scored a major victory in our campaign when The Amateur Radio Parity Act, H.R. 1301, passed in the House of Representatives yesterday, September 12th. The legislation now moves to the Senate, where we need every Senator to approve the bill.

You are one of over 730,000 licensed Amateur Radio Operators living in the United States.  Many of you already live in deed-restricted communities, and that number grows daily.


If you want to have effective outdoor antennas but are not currently allowed to do so by your Home Owner’s Association, SEND THESE EMAILS TODAY!!

If you already have outdoor antennas, but want to support your fellow hams, SEND THESE EMAILS TODAY!!

If you want to preserve your ability to install effective outdoor antennas on property that you own, SEND THESE EMAILS TODAY!!

We need you to reach out to your Senators TODAY!  Right away.

Please help us in the effort.

Please go to this linked website and follow the prompts:

Thank you.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Rick Roderick, K5UR
ARRL, the national association for Amateur Radio®

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

NY QSO Party October 15th

NY QSO Party – Get Ready for October 15!

by Dean NW2K

It's all about NY on October 15 as radio amateurs from around the world get on the air to work all 62 NY counties, Chautauqua to Clinton, Niagara to Suffolk.  A dozen or more mobile operators will take to the mean streets of NYC or the bucolic surrounds of the Southern Tier and North Country.  Brave souls will sneak out to the woodlands to activate a rare county, Field Day style, as temps may dip into the 30's.  And good, solid Elmers will open up their shacks to new hams and build excitement as the spotlight is on US!

The NYQP game is easy to play as all operating modes and bands are eligible.  The QSO exchange is simple for NY operators:  signal report and county.  For those eager out-of-state ops wanting to work all 62 counties, they'll send a signal report and their state, province or DX. 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Technicians Class Seminar - Avon NY

Genesee Valley Amateur Radio Association

Presents:    A Technicians Class Seminar

To Assist In Getting Your Amateur Radio License

$20 – Includes Testing Fee

Saturday October 22, 2016
9am to 6pm

Avon EMS Base
5582 Lake Road
Avon, NY 14414

This seminar is based on Gordon West, W5YI, Technicians Class Book. This is required to take the class. It can be purchased on line at:

RSVP as space is limited by October 1st to:

Billy Boyd – or 585-315-6607
Russ Morreale – 585-721-5136

Thursday, September 1, 2016

LARC Bootcamp for September - Propagation

Liverpool Amateur Repeater Club - September meeting Bootcamp!

LARC meetings are the fourth Thursday of the month at 7pm with the exception of July and August where general membership meetings are suspended. November’s meeting is the Third Thursday of the month to allow observance of Thanksgiving.

Boot camp meets at 6:15 pm, and VE testing starts at 5:30 pm. We meet at 700 South Bay Road in North Syracuse, New York in the North Syracuse Community Center.