Very interesting article on the DVIDs web site explaining the MARS program at Hancock Field Air National Guard Base in Syracuse NY.
The article shares stories of several area Hams and also that the Syracuse MARS team is one of the most active in New York state.
The Military Auxiliary Radio System is run by the Air Force and Army, and manned by civilian amateur radio operators who donate their time and talents to maintaining an emergency short-wave radio communications system to back up traditional communications network
According to Master Sgt. Linda Walker, 174th Radio and Spectrum Non-Commissioned Officer, hosting the MARS station is beneficial to the 174th Attack Wing because they will be able to provide communication in any type of emergencies including nuclear attacks and natural disasters.
“We’d be happy to train up anybody on how to use the equipment,” said Bridges. “If there was enough interest, we’d even teach classes for people to get their amateur radio license.
If interested in joining a USAF MARS team, contact their hotline at (888)778-6277(MARS) or send an email to
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