Northern New York Nets:
(these notes are from KC2WI and the NNYARA website)
The North Country Group meets Sunday mornings starting at 8:30 AM on 3958.
NNYARA evening HF: We have tried to pick a time and frequency convenient for most people but schedule conflicts and QRM have been against us. Try calling on 3958 any time. You may hear NNY stations in the evening on the NYPON on 3925 at 5 PM, the NYS Phone, Traffic, & Emergency Net on 3925 at 6 PM, and the Top Band SSB Net.
The Top Band SSB Net meets 8:30 PM Wednesdays on 1945. KC2VMF in St. Regis Falls is usually net control.
You may also hear NNY Stations on the Carrier Net 3935 weekday and Saturday mornings at 9 AM (eastern) or the pre-net at 8:30; and ECARS 7255 8AM-2PM weekdays and 8AM-Noon weekends.
The Northern New York Emergency Services Net meets at 7:30 AM and 7 PM daily on the Whiteface repeater.
The Northern New York Hospital Emergency Net is held quarterly 6:15 PM the first Tuesday of January, April, July, October on the Whiteface repeater.
Check club web sites for local VHF/UHF nets.
Attention NNYARA Clubs: Please email information about your repeater(s) to
Location, Frequency, PL, Notes:
Blue Mountain 147.075 - 71.9 N2MNT
Boonville (Jackson Hill) 146.655 - n/a Boonville ARC KC2NBU (Echolink node KD2AIT)
Cobleskill 146.610 - 123.0 Schoharie County Amateur Radio Association WA2ZWM
Copenhagen (Tug Hill) 147.255 + 151.4 CANAMARA KA2QJO
Corinth 147.000 -
Fine 147.135 + 151.4 Oswegatchie Valley ARC. WA2NAN Solar Powered (Echolink)
Johnstown 146.700 - 100 Tryon ARC / Fulton Co. RACES K2JJI (Echolink node 510372)
Lake Placid 147.300 + 100
Long Lake 146.640 - 162.2 Bear Bait Radio Club KD2BAD
Long Lake 443.850 + 162.2 Bear Bait Radio Club KD2BAD
Lowville (Crystaldale) 146.955 - n/a Black River Valley A.R.C. W2RHM (Echolink node AB2XN)
Lyon Mountain 147.285 + 123 Champlain Valley Amateur Radio Club
Malone 147.090 +
Malone 147.255 + WB2YRB
North Creek (Gore Mt.) 147.120 + 123 W2WCR
Old Forge (McCauley Mt.) 147.315 + 71.9 KA2FWN
Old Forge (McCauley Mt.) 443.175 + 103.5 KA2FWN
Plattsburg 147.150 + 123 Champlain Valley Amateur Radio Club
Potsdam 147.390 - 151.4
Remsen (Starr Hill) 145.330 - 71.9 KB2AUJ Linked to Auburn, Cortland
Remsen (Starr Hill) 449.925 - 71.9 KB2AUJ NYS 440 Link System
Saranac Lake 147.030 + 100
Speculator (Oak Mt.) 147.165 + n/a Hamilton County Amateur Radio Club KA2VHF
Tupper Lake 147.330 + 100
Watertown 147.375
+ 210.7 Jefferson County Radio Amateur Club KC2ELX
Watertown (Dexter) 147.030 + 151.4 Thousand Islands Repeater Club AC2GE Echolink NOTE: Frequency changed March 2014
Whiteface 145.110 - 123 Emergency Only - Clinton County RACES
Also, see St. Lawrence/West ADK list here:
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