Sunday, August 25, 2024

AWA Conference & Flea Mkt - 10/3-4/2024

The AWA Annual Conference has a flea market on Thursday the 3rd and Friday the 4th of October 2024 at the RIT Conference Center in Henrietta, NY.

Selling and buying is free.  Just park, set up and sell (or buy).  No registration needed unless you want to attend the conference inside. Take as many spaces as you want; it's a nice parking lot.

Please contact me if there are any questions.
Michael C. Migliaccio
Vice President,  AWA

Sunday, August 18, 2024

Fulton Amateur Radio Club - General Class - starts 9/5/24

 General Class Instruction - Press Release - 8/15/24

General Class Amateur Radio Exam Instruction Offered

Starting on Thursday, September 5, the Fulton Amateur Radio Club will host a free 10-week course designed for Technician Class licensees who are interested in obtaining their General Class Amateur (Ham) Radio license. 

The class will meet on Thursday evenings from 7:00-9:00 pm in the lower level of the Oswego County Office Building, across from Mimi's Restaurant, Route 481, Fulton, NY. Class dates are September 5, 12, 19, 26, October 3, 10, 17, 24, November 7. The exam will be administered on Thursday, November 14.

There are many reasons to upgrade. General Class licensees have access to many more frequencies, some of which allow for around-the-world wireless communication without the need for intermediate infrastructure (such as the internet, cell towers, repeaters, etc.). More communications modes and new technical opportunities are also available. 

The course material resembles that which was covered in the Technician exam, with more in-depth focus on high frequency (HF) operation and advanced operating modes. Topics will include operating effectively using single sideband (SSB) on HF, digital modes, solar effects on HF propagation, test instruments, practical electronic circuits, and antennas.

For more information contact Redd Swindells, AI2N, at ai2n(at) Potential students are requested to preregister to assure proper course resource preparation.

More info at:

Saturday, August 10, 2024

Ithaca VE Exam by TCARA on 8/24/24

 Tompkins County Amateur Radio Association has an upcoming VE exam session on 8/24/24.

To register for a TCARA (AF2A) test session, email:

Kevin Howe; AD2DD: