Monday, November 25, 2024

Santa Nets - Christmas 2024


Santa Net is back on 3.916 MHz for the 19th year! Starting Friday, November 29th, good girls and boys can talk to Santa Claus, via amateur radio, nightly starting at 7:00 PM (Central). The Santa Net will run every night through Christmas Eve, December 24, 2024.

Pete Thomson (KE5GGY), of The 3916 Nets, commented on The 3916 Santa Net. He said, "Christmastime is a very special time for our nets every year. We enjoy helping young people and their families have a shared Christmas experience that they'll always remember. And we're thrilled to introduce young people to the excitement of amateur radio."

About The 3916 Santa Net:

Youngsters can talk to "Santa at The North Pole" via strategically placed operators who relay the voice of Santa. Thomson said that The Santa Net is a team effort that involves the efforts of a number of 3916 Net members. He said, "In our first year, we connected 10 kids to Santa on Ham Radio and it's grown steadily since. This year, we're expecting over 1,000 children to participate."

Prior to each night's Santa Net, pre-net check-ins can be made at

Thursday, November 21, 2024

100th anniversary of Grimeton Radio Station transmission - 12/1/24


On December 1st, 1924, the VLF transmitter, with call sign "SAQ" at Grimeton Radio Station, was put into commercial operation, with transmissions across the Atlantic ocean, to the receiving station at Riverhead and the replying transmitter station at Rocky Point, both on Long Island, NY, USA.

On December 1st 2024, one hundred years later, SAQ will air to commemorate this event. The unique Alexanderson alternator from 1924, with the call sign SAQ, is scheduled for one transmission over the antenna on VLF 17.2 kHz CW.

Program & transmission schedule:

10:00 CET (09:00 UTC) The doors to the transmitter hall will open.

10:20 CET (09:20 UTC) Live YouTube broadcast begins.

10:30 CET (09:30 UTC) Start-up of the Alternator.

11:00 CET (10:00 UTC) Transmission of a message

Background: In 1895 the Italian physicist and later Nobel Prize winner Guglielmo Marconi (1874-1937) had realised wireless telegraphy, i.e. the possibility of transmitting information with the help of radio waves.

The communication across the Atlantic did not function well during World War I and the need of telegram traffic with America was great. The Swedish Parliament therefore decided in 1920 that a Swedish long wave transmitting station and a receiving station should be built under the direction of the “Telegrafverket”.

Important for the location of the establishment was that the wave propagation path was run across open waters – south of Norway and north of Denmark and Scotland. In Grimeton, east of Varberg, the open landscape gave free way for the radio waves out towards the Western Sea and besides, the name was easy to pronounce for Americans.

The Great Radio Station was built during the years 1922-1924.

More info at:

Friday, November 15, 2024

Emergency Preparedness Class - Syracuse - 11/20/24

 The Bear Bait Radio Club is sponsoring a Emergency Preparedness Class given by the NYS Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services. It will be held on Wednesday November 11th at 7pm at Town of Clay Highwaty Dept. Garage on Rt. 31. Registration is required. 

Register here:

Monday, November 4, 2024

New low cost Handheld radio with lots of modern features

 I just recently picked up a couple of TIDRADIO TD-H3 handheld radios. We had heard a lot of very positive "chatter" online about this radio over the last few months. So we decided that we needed to try these out. Amazon had quite a few options for buying, so we ordered and had them delivered within a few days. 

So far I am pretty impressed. USB C charging and data port, Bluetooth programming, Air band reception, HAM and GMRS capable. Some impressive features and capabilities for a low-cost, modern, throw away radio. Its not perfect but I don't think you can't beat it for the price of ~$35.00. Just remember; "your mileage may vary!"  :)

Check out a few of the reviews that we have listed below. Let us know what you think in the COMMENTS section. We will also try to post some TD-H3 tips and tricks here in the future. (Also check out the H8 model - also very nice and a little bigger in your hand.)

Some specs: AM: 108-136MHz Rx; FM: 50-76MHz Rx, 76-108MHz Rx; VHF: 136-174MHz Tx/Rx, 174-350MHz Rx,350-400MHz Rx; UHF: 400-470MHz Tx/Rx, 470-600MHz Rx.

TD-H3 Reviews:

Good review at John's Tech Blog:

Another pretty good TD-H3 review:

YouTube H3 video review by KD6SAY:

Miklor review:

Bear Bait Club License class - Nov. 16-17, 2024 - Clay NY


The next Tech VE class is Novemeber 16th and 17th 2024 at the Clay Highway Building at 4483 RT 31 in Clay.  From 8 Am to 5 PM each day. Testing Sunday around 5 PM.   No charge for the class, open VE testing will be held immediately after the last class for a nominal fee of $14. Contact Scott WA2DTN by email; for questions