New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (Encon)
Link to the latest NYSDEC freqs from
NYSDEC frequencies:
F3 151.250 (csq)
F4 151.265 (csq)
F5 159.435R (131.8)
F6 159.435R (82.5)
F7 159.435R (77.0)
F8 159.435R (131.8)
F9 159.435R (127.3)
F10 159.435R (146.2)
F11 159.435R (100.0)
F15 159.435R (?)
F16 159.435R (?)
“These are inputs that I(?) have confirmed. But please note, PLs do change from time to time and some of this information may need to be updated this Spring/Summer”.
151.2200 (114.8 PL) input to 159.4350 (CSQ) Curtin Tower, Cayuga County
151.2800 (114.8 PL) input to 159.4350 (127.3) Georgetown Tower, Madison County
151.2800 (123.0 PL) input to 159.4350 (CSQ) Gomer Hill, Lewis County
151.2200 (123.0 PL) input to 159.4350 (254.1) Blue Mountain, Hamilton County
151.2800 (141.3 PL) input to 159.4350 (82.5) Whiteface, Essex County
151.2200 (127.3 PL) input to 159.4350 ( ) Gore, Warren County
151.4300 (94.8 PL) input to 159.4650 Martinsburg Tower, Lewis County
151.4300 (127.3 PL) input to 159.4650 Dry Hill, Jefferson County
151.4300 (123.0 PL) input to 159.4650 Gerogetown Tower, Madison County
151.4300 (162.2 PL) input to 159.4650 Starr Hill, Oneida County
151.4300 (151.4 PL) input to 159.4650 Whites Hill, St. Lawrence County
151.4300 (123.0 PL) input to 159.2250 (94.8) Region 7 (tower??)
151.2500 (123.0 PL) input to 159.3000 (127.3) CNY area
159.3000 (88.5) Georgetown Tower
159.2250 (114.8 PL) Whiteface
151.4300 (114.8 & 136.5 PL) Watertown area
7N=Conservation Officers (ECOs) BECI=Bureau of Environmental Crimes Investigations
8N=Forest Rangers
Forest Rangers Central Office
8N2-Col - Asst. Director
8N3-Major - Administrative Officer
8N4-Captain - Training Officer
8N5-Captain - Fire Management Officer
7N2-Col - Asst Director
7N3-Col - Asst Director
7N_-Major - Northern District
7N_-Major - Southern District
7N_-Major - BECI
7N_-Capt - BECI
Region 1 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Nassau & Suffolk Counties)
7N100 - Captain
7N102 - Lt. - BECI
7N110 - Lt. - Nassau & Western Suffolk Counties
7N120 - Lt. - Central Suffolk County
7N130 - Lt. - Eastern Suffolk County
8N10 - Captain (Regions 1 & 2)
Eastern: 7N131, 7N132, 7N133, 7N134
8N129, 8N139, 8N149
N - Lt.
7N2_0 - Lt. -
7N2_0 - Lt. -
7N2_0 - Lt. -
8N10 - Captain (Regions 2 & 1)
7N302 - Lt. - BECI
7N320 - Lt. - N. Ulster & Sullivan Counties
7N330 - Lt. - S. Ulster & Dutchess Counties
7N350 - Lt. - Orange & Rockland Counties
7N370 - Lt. - Putnam & Westchester Counties
8N30 - Captain
8N31 - Lt. - Ulster & Sullivan Counties
8N32 - Lt. - Dutchess. Orange, Rockland, Putnam & Westchester Counties
S: 7N331, 7N332, 7N333
Putnam & Westchester Counties:
7N371, 7N372, 7N373, 7N374, 7N375
Non-Sector ECOs
7N30_, 7N30_
7N402 - Lt - BECI
7N410 - Lt - Otsego & Schohaire Counties
7N430 - Lt -Albany, Schenectady Counties
7N440 - Lt -Rensselaer & Columbia Counties
7N470 - Lt -Greene & Delaware Counties
8N40 - Captain
8N41 - Lt - Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer & Schenectady Counties
8N42 - Lt - Delaware, Montgomery, Otsego & Schoharie Counties
Schohaire & Montgomery Counties
7N421, 7N422, 7N423, 7N424
8N427, 8N428
8N447, 8N448, 8N449
Greene County
7N471, 7N472, 7N473
8N437, 8N438, 8N439
Non sector ECO
Region 5 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren, Washington Counties)
7N500 - Captain
7N15 - Lt. Lake George Park Commission
7N502 - Lt. - BECI
7N530 - Lt. - Vacant
7N540 - Lt .- Clinton, Franklin, N. Essex Counties
7N550 - Lt. - S. Essex, Hamilton, Fulton, Warren Counties
7N5100-Lt. - Saratoga & Washington Counties
8N50 - Captain
8N51 - Lt - Clinton, Franklin & Essex Counties
8N52 - Vacant
8N53 - Lt - Essex, Franklin & Hamilton Counties
8N54 - Lt - Essex & Franklin Counties
8N55 - Lt - S. Essex & Warren Counties
8N56 - Lt - Saratoga & Washington Counties
8N57 - Lt - Fulton & S. Hamilton Counties
Franklin County:
Northern Franklin 7N511, 7N512
Southern Franklin 7N531, 7N532
8N515, 8N516, 8N517
8N537, 8N538, 8N539
Clinton County
7N521, 7N522, 7N523
8N518, 8N519
Essex County:
NW Essex: 7N531, 7N532
NE Essex: 7N541, 7N542
Southern: 7N561, 7N562
NW Essex: 8N544, 8N545, 8N546, 8N547, 8N548, 8N549
NE Essex: 8N527, 8N528, 8N529
Southern: 8N558, 8N559
Northern Hamilton: 7N551, 7N552, 7N553
Southern Hamilton: 7N571, 7N572
Northern Hamilton: 8N574, 8N757, 8N576
Southern Hamilton: 8N577, 8N578, 8N579
Warren County:
7N581, 7N582, 7N583
8N555, 8N556, 8N557, 8N564
Fulton County:
7N591, 7N592
8N587, 8N588, 8N589
Saratoga County:
7N5101, 7N5102, 7N5103, 7N5104
8N565, 8N566
Washington County:
7N5111, 7N5112, 7N5113
8N567, 8N568, 8N569
NYSDEC frequencies:
F1 151.220 (csq)
F2 151.280 (csq)F3 151.250 (csq)
F4 151.265 (csq)
F5 159.435R (131.8)
F6 159.435R (82.5)
F7 159.435R (77.0)
F8 159.435R (131.8)
F9 159.435R (127.3)
F10 159.435R (146.2)
F11 159.435R (100.0)
F12 159.435R (131.8)
F13 159.435R either (127.3) or (146.2)
F14 159.435R either (100.0) or (71.9)F15 159.435R (?)
F16 159.435R (?)
“These are inputs that I(?) have confirmed. But please note, PLs do change from time to time and some of this information may need to be updated this Spring/Summer”.
151.2200 (114.8 PL) input to 159.4350 (CSQ) Curtin Tower, Cayuga County
151.2800 (114.8 PL) input to 159.4350 (127.3) Georgetown Tower, Madison County
151.2800 (123.0 PL) input to 159.4350 (CSQ) Gomer Hill, Lewis County
151.2200 (123.0 PL) input to 159.4350 (254.1) Blue Mountain, Hamilton County
151.2800 (141.3 PL) input to 159.4350 (82.5) Whiteface, Essex County
151.2200 (127.3 PL) input to 159.4350 ( ) Gore, Warren County
151.4300 (94.8 PL) input to 159.4650 Martinsburg Tower, Lewis County
151.4300 (127.3 PL) input to 159.4650 Dry Hill, Jefferson County
151.4300 (123.0 PL) input to 159.4650 Gerogetown Tower, Madison County
151.4300 (162.2 PL) input to 159.4650 Starr Hill, Oneida County
151.4300 (151.4 PL) input to 159.4650 Whites Hill, St. Lawrence County
151.4300 (123.0 PL) input to 159.2250 (94.8) Region 7 (tower??)
151.2500 (123.0 PL) input to 159.3000 (127.3) CNY area
159.3000 (88.5) Georgetown Tower
159.2250 (114.8 PL) Whiteface
151.4300 (114.8 & 136.5 PL) Watertown area
NYSDEC radio and car numbers:
“Here is a list of radio unit numbers that I (who?) have
been able to put together, This list is not complete and may contain several
mistakes. I am looking for any input to complete this list”.
7N=Conservation Officers (ECOs) BECI=Bureau of Environmental Crimes Investigations
8N=Forest Rangers
Forest Rangers Central Office
8N2-Col - Asst. Director
8N3-Major - Administrative Officer
8N4-Captain - Training Officer
8N5-Captain - Fire Management Officer
ECOs Central Office
7N1-Director7N2-Col - Asst Director
7N3-Col - Asst Director
7N_-Major - Northern District
7N_-Major - Southern District
7N_-Major - BECI
7N_-Capt - BECI
Region 1 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Nassau & Suffolk Counties)
7N100 - Captain
7N102 - Lt. - BECI
7N110 - Lt. - Nassau & Western Suffolk Counties
7N120 - Lt. - Central Suffolk County
7N130 - Lt. - Eastern Suffolk County
8N10 - Captain (Regions 1 & 2)
7N103, 7N104,
Nassau County & Western Suffolk Counties:
7N111, 7N112, 7N113, 7N114, 7N115, 7N116, 7N117, 7N1188N119
Suffolk County:
Central: 7N121, 7N122, 7N123, 7N124, 7N125, 7N126Eastern: 7N131, 7N132, 7N133, 7N134
8N129, 8N139, 8N149
Marine Enforcement Unit
N - CaptainN - Lt.
Region 2 ECOs & Forest Rangers (New york, Bronx, Queens,
Kings, & Richmond Counties)
7N200 - Captain
7N202 - Lt. - BECI7N2_0 - Lt. -
7N2_0 - Lt. -
7N2_0 - Lt. -
8N10 - Captain (Regions 2 & 1)
7N203, 7N204, 7N205
New York County (Manhatten)
7N211, 7N212, 7N213
Bronx County:
7N221, 7N222, 7N223, 7N224
Queens County:
7N231, 7N232, 7N233, 7N234
Kings County (Brooklyn)
7N241, 7N242, 7N243, 7N244, 7N245, 7N246
Richmond County (Staten Island)
7N251, 7N252, 7N2538N259
Region 3 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Ulster, Sullivan,
Dutchess, Orange, Rockland, Putnam & Westchester Counties)
7N300 - Captain7N302 - Lt. - BECI
7N320 - Lt. - N. Ulster & Sullivan Counties
7N330 - Lt. - S. Ulster & Dutchess Counties
7N350 - Lt. - Orange & Rockland Counties
7N370 - Lt. - Putnam & Westchester Counties
8N30 - Captain
8N31 - Lt. - Ulster & Sullivan Counties
8N32 - Lt. - Dutchess. Orange, Rockland, Putnam & Westchester Counties
7N303, 7N304, 7N305
Ulster County:
N: 7N311, 7N312S: 7N331, 7N332, 7N333
Sullivan County:
7N321, 7N322, 7N323, 7N3248N
Dutchess County:
7N341, 7N342, 7N3438N
Orange County:
7N351, 7N352, 7n3538N
Rockland County:
7N361, 7N362, 7N3638N
Putnam & Westchester Counties:
7N371, 7N372, 7N373, 7N374, 7N375
Non-Sector ECOs
7N30_, 7N30_
Region 4 ECOs & Forest Rangers
Rensselaer, Delaware, Otsego, Schenectay & Schoharie
7N400 - Captain7N402 - Lt - BECI
7N410 - Lt - Otsego & Schohaire Counties
7N430 - Lt -Albany, Schenectady Counties
7N440 - Lt -Rensselaer & Columbia Counties
7N470 - Lt -Greene & Delaware Counties
8N40 - Captain
8N41 - Lt - Albany, Columbia, Greene, Rensselaer & Schenectady Counties
8N42 - Lt - Delaware, Montgomery, Otsego & Schoharie Counties
7N403, 7N404, 7N405
Otsego County
7N411, 7N412, 7N413N429
Schohaire & Montgomery Counties
7N421, 7N422, 7N423, 7N424
8N427, 8N428
Albany County
7N431, 7N432, 7N433, 7N4348N419
Rensselaer County
7N441, 7N4428N418
Delaware County
7N451, 7N452, 7N453, 7N4548N447, 8N448, 8N449
Schenectady County
7N461, 7N4628N419
Greene County
7N471, 7N472, 7N473
8N437, 8N438, 8N439
Columbia County
7N481, 7N4828N417
Non sector ECO
Region 5 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Clinton, Essex, Franklin, Fulton, Hamilton, Saratoga, Warren, Washington Counties)
7N15 - Lt. Lake George Park Commission
7N502 - Lt. - BECI
7N530 - Lt. - Vacant
7N540 - Lt .- Clinton, Franklin, N. Essex Counties
7N550 - Lt. - S. Essex, Hamilton, Fulton, Warren Counties
7N5100-Lt. - Saratoga & Washington Counties
8N50 - Captain
8N51 - Lt - Clinton, Franklin & Essex Counties
8N52 - Vacant
8N53 - Lt - Essex, Franklin & Hamilton Counties
8N54 - Lt - Essex & Franklin Counties
8N55 - Lt - S. Essex & Warren Counties
8N56 - Lt - Saratoga & Washington Counties
8N57 - Lt - Fulton & S. Hamilton Counties
7N503, 7N504, 7N505, 7N506Franklin County:
Southern Franklin 7N531, 7N532
8N515, 8N516, 8N517
8N537, 8N538, 8N539
Clinton County
8N518, 8N519
Essex County:
NE Essex: 7N541, 7N542
Southern: 7N561, 7N562
NW Essex: 8N544, 8N545, 8N546, 8N547, 8N548, 8N549
NE Essex: 8N527, 8N528, 8N529
Southern: 8N558, 8N559
Southern Hamilton: 7N571, 7N572
Northern Hamilton: 8N574, 8N757, 8N576
Southern Hamilton: 8N577, 8N578, 8N579
Warren County:
8N555, 8N556, 8N557, 8N564
Fulton County:
8N587, 8N588, 8N589
Saratoga County:
7N5101, 7N5102, 7N5103, 7N5104
8N565, 8N566
Washington County:
7N5111, 7N5112, 7N5113
8N567, 8N568, 8N569
Non-sector ECOs
7N507, 7N508, 7N509
REGION 6 ECOs & Forest Rangers (St Lawrence, Jefferson,
Lewis, Herkimer & Onedia Counties)
7N600 - Captain
7N602 - Lt. BECI
7N620 - Lt. - St. Lawrence County
7N6_0 - Lt. - Jefferson & N. Lewis County
7N670 - Lt. - S. Lewis, NE Oneida & N. Herkimer Counties
7N690 - Lt. - Oneida & S. Herkimer Counties
8N60 - Captain
8N61 - Lt. - St. Lawrence County
8N62 - Lt. - Jefferson, N. Lewis & N. Herkimer Counties
8N63 - Lt. - Oneida & S. Herkimer Counties
7N603, 7N604, 7N605
St. Lawrence County
NE - 7N611, 7N612, 7N613
SW - 7N621, 7N622, 7N623
SE - 7N631, 7N632, 7N633
N: 8N617, 8N618, 8N619
S: 8N627, 8N628, 8N629
North: 7N641, 7N642
South: 7N661, 7N662, 7N663
North: 8N637, 8N638, 8N639
South: 8N646, 8N647, 8N648, 8N649
Jefferson County:
7N651, 7N652, 7N653
8N637, 8N638, 8N639
Herkimer County:
N: 7N671, 7N672, 7N673
S: 7N691, 7N692, 7N693
N: 8N647, 8N648, 8N649
S: 8N667
Oneida County:
7N681, 7N682, 7N683
8N668, 8N669
Non-Sector ECOs
7N60_, 7N60_
Region 7 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Oswego, Cayuga,
Onondaga, Madison, Tompkins, Cortland, Chenango, Broome & Tioga Counties)
7N700 - Captain
7N702 - Lt. BECI
7N710 - Lt. Oswego County
7N720 - Lt. Onondaga & Cayuga Counties
7N750 - Lt. Tompkins, Broome & Tioga Counties
7N760 - Lt. Madison, Cortland & Chenango Counties
8N70 - Captain
8N71 - Lt. - All Counties
7N703, 7N704, 7N705
7N711, 7N712, 7N713, 7N714, 7N715
Cayuga County:
7N721, 7N722
Onondaga County:
7N731, 7N732, 7N733
Madison County:
7N741, 7N742
Tompkins County:
7N751, 7N752
Cortland County:
7N761, 7N762
Chenango County
7N771, 7N772
Broome County:
Tioga County:
Non-Sector ECOs
7N70_, 7N70_
Region 8 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Orleans, Genesse,
Monroe, Wayne, Livingston, Ontario, Seneca, Yates, Steuben, Chemung &
Schuyler Counties)
7N800 - Captain
7N802 - Lt. BECI
7N8_0 - Lt. Orleans, Genesee & Monroe Counties
7N8_0 - Lt. Wayne & Ontario Counties
7N840 - Lt. Livingston & Steuben Counties
7N8_0 - Lt. Seneca, Yates, Schuyler & Chemung Counties
8N90 - Captain (Region 8 & 9)
8N81 - Lt. All Counties
7N803, 7N804, 7N805
Orleans & Genesee Counties:
7N811, 7N812, 7N813
Monroe County:
7N821, 7N822, 7N823
Wayne County:
7N831, 7N832, 7N833
Livingston County:
7N841, 7N842
Ontario County:
7N851, 7N852
Seneca County:
7N861, 7N862
Yates County:
7N871, 7N872
Steuben County:
7N881, 7N882, 7N883
8N829, 8N839
Schuyler & Chemung Counties:
7N891, 7N892, 7N893
Non-Sector Ecos
7N80_, 7N80_
Region 9 ECOs & Forest Rangers (Niagara, Erie, Wyoming,
Chautauqua, Cattaraugus & Allegany Counties)
7N900 - Captain
7N902 - Lt. - BECI
7N910 - Lt. - Niagara & Erie County
7N9_0 - Lt. -
7N9_0 - Lt. -
7N903, 7N904, 7N905
Niagara County:
7N911, 7N912, 7N913
Erie County:
N. 7N921, 7N922,
S. 7N931, 7N932, 7N933
Wyoming County:
7N941, 7N942
Chautauqua County:
7N951, 7N952, 7N953, 7N954
8N_ _
Cattaraugus County:
W: 7N961, 7N962
E: 7N971, 7N972
8N9_ _
Allegany County:
7N981, 7N982, 7N983
8N_ _
Non-Sectors ECOs:
7N90_, 7N90_
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