Keuka Lake Amateur Radio Association
2 Meter Simplex Challenge
The purpose of this contest is to encourage amateurs to:
● learn the basics of contesting
● learn some new simplex operating techniques
● expand the scope of their 2 meter operating beyond that needed
for repeater operations.
More info and contest documentation at: https://klara.us/
It is open to any licensed amateur, the object being to make as manycontacts with as many different amateurs, in as many towns, using 2meter simplex, as possible; during the four hour contest period.Please try to remember that this is a FUN contest. All contestparticipants are encouraged to submit their logs, even if they onlyhave a few contacts.The intent is to work from the towns on the attached map. You maywork into any town where your signal will reach (and where you canget someone to answer you).1) Date and Contest PeriodThe contest period is from 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM (local time), Saturday,May 15, 2021. Contest contacts are 2 meter simplex phone ONLY.Contacts via a repeater (or via Echolink or digi-modes) will not beeligible for contest credit. Contest is limited to FM or SSB contactsusing voice.In sharp contrast to most other contests; you may use a repeater toset up (or schedule) simplex contacts! Do not log these contacts inyour contest logs.
2) Station Divisions / ClassesThere are two divisions (FM and SSB), two classes (Fixed and Rover),and two power sub-classes (QRP – operating 5 W or less), and full -more than 5 W – 50W FM or 100 watts SSB). Power is capped at 50watts for FM and 100 watts for SSB to assure minimum RF exposure.Contestants should conduct their own RF surveys based on theirindividual power levels and equipment.Fixed stations operate from a single location for the duration of thecontest period (but not necessarily from their home). Fixed stationsdeclare their intentions at the beginning of the contest.Rover stations will operate from several towns during the contest, andalso declare their intentions at the beginning of the contest.They may be either mobile (designed to operate from a vehicle inmotion) or portable (set up and tear down at each location).
3) Contest FrequenciesAny frequency in the 2 meter band may be used, subject to thenationwide and local section band plans. Contest exchanges arelimited to phone emissions.Frequencies that have potential conflicts with repeater inputs oroutputs should not be used. The National Calling Frequency may beused to initiate contacts. After contact has been established, pleasemove (QSY) to another frequency!Share the frequencies - remember this is meant as a fun contest, so ifsomeone jumps in after you’ve made a contact, let it go. Have a goodtime, and try to make sure everyone else does, as well!
4) Contest ExchangeStations who are looking for QSO's may call “CQ Contest … 2 MeterSimplex Challenge” either preceded or followed by their call sign.The exchange for an answering station consists of four items – callsign, town, power level, and station class.Power level is as indicated on the display of the rig initiating contact.So a possible exchange might look like this:K2XYZ: “K2XYZ calling CQ Contest, CQ Contest … 2 Meter SimplexChallenge”KC2ABC: “K2XYZ, please copy KC2ABC, Town of Howard, QRP, Fixed”K2XYZ: “KC2ABC, I have you in my log … please copy K2XYZ, Town ofHornby, Full, Rover”KC2ABC: “K2XYZ I have you in my log … Good luck in the contest!”K2XYZ: “Thank you, good luck to you, as well … K2XYZ calling CQContest, CQ Contest ...”It should not be necessary to indicate “FM” vs “SSB” in the exchange,as this should be self evident. You should however, note this in yourlog!
5) LoggingLogging should be done on paper sheets, as attached. In addition tothe exchange items shown above, the log will also show mode (i.e.,FM vs. SSB).If you choose to work as a group of operators, please run aseparate log for each person. Please do not try to mix call signswithin a single log.6) Scoring● 1 point per QSO.● You may only work a fixed station once per town andconfiguration for credit. (e.g. if a station cuts or increases theirpower it's a separate QSO. If they change modes, it’s a separateQSO.)● You may work the rovers as often as they change towns /configurations. (See note above as regards power class. AlsoRovers may work the same fixed station multiple times if theRover occupies different towns.)● Everybody works everybody – fixed to fixed, fixed to rover, roverto fixed, rover to rover, etc.● Multipliers –◦ after you add up your QSO score, you will receive a multiplierif you have worked more than one town.◦ Rover stations receive a 2 x multiplier against their sub-total● Multiplier example –◦ Your rover station conducts 10 QSO's from 5 different towns.Your score is ,then, 10 points for QSO's x 5 different towns =50 points x 2 for a rover station = 100 points total.◦ Your fixed station conducts 60 QSO’s from a single town. Yourscore is then 60 points for QSO’s x 1 different town = 60points total.7) RecognitionEveryone who submits a log gets a paper “Certificate of Participation”.Keep in mind that this is intended as a fun contest … we hope no onewill be “cut throat” about this!8) Log SubmissionPlease submit your logs to:KLARAP.O. Box 250Bath, NY 14810Attn: Simplex Challenge logs enclosedIn order to get everyone’s log scored in a timely fashion we are askingyou submit your logs by May 30, 2021. We are hopeful that we will beable to have paper certificates ready to distribute by June 14, 2021.9) Miscellaneous• Keep a copy of you amateur license handy. It is very easy to signinto the ULS to retrieve a copy of your license. Sign it, laminateit, and keep it with you.• You may be questioned by local law enforcement about what youare doing and why. Do your best to explain. If requested to moveto another location, please do so. Remain calm, confident andrespectful.• As a corollary to the above, make sure that your operatingposition is safe and does not block traffic. Comply with any“Posted” signs you may find!• Keep your antenna structures, masts, and so forth, well awayfrom power and phone lines, etc. Make sure we model safebehavior and the best of amateur practice!
Have FunExplain What You Are DoingBe an Amateur Radio Ambassador!
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