The Fulton Amateur Radio Club is a very active club in Oswego County. Thanks to Mike Regan for sending along information on the W2TQF Scholarship and their Pathfinder Net.
Thomas G. Cantine Jr W2TQF Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship was established after the untimely death of Thomas G. Cantine Jr, who was an active amateur radio operator for over 50 years. Obtaining his license at the age of 13 in 1957, Tom held the call sign: W2TQF. Tom’s hobby of amateur radio led to a career as a sales engineer and engineering consultant. Tom taught amateur radio classes, was a volunteer examiner, active in ARES (Amateur Radio Emergency Service), RACES (Radio Amateur Civil Emergency Service) and was a charter member of the Fulton Amateur Radio Club and served as the president of the radio club for several terms. This scholarship has been set up in memory of Tom and his passion for amateur radio.Learn more at:
The Pathfinder net originated on May 14th 1984 and operates every night during the week at 9pm on the 147.15 repeater in Fulton NY with a (+) offset and 103.5 PL. The purpose of this net is Amateur fellowship. All stations are welcome and the net welcomes any information or traffic that you may have.
We are looking to increase our numbers and help any HAM out there. Hope yo hear you on the Net.