MARS exercise 17-1 / 25 February 2017 - 28 February 2017
The United States Department of Defense and Department of
Homeland Security with the United States Army and Air Force MARS system is
holding its first exercise of the year 2017.
The scenario simulates a total loss of communication,
Internet and basic resources after an
undetermined national incident.
The Military and Department of Defense is asking for
Amateur stations to provide basic county information to MARS stations during the
exercise. This is REAL WORLD and as such the information provided
to military stations should be of actual availability of resources IF your
county has no problems you will report as such. If there is an incident that effects any governmental
resources such as transportation, medical, communication, or hospitals you will
report what resource is affected.
Again this is REAL WORLD information so if there is no
breakdown in any services you will report all clear in the county you are
MARS stations will be on the 60meter interoperability
channel 1 (5330.5) and channel 2 ( 5346.5) to collect information at
various time throughout the exercise.
As of now stations will be monitoring at 12pm and 3pm on
Saturday the 25th.
12pm and 3pm on Sunday the 26th, and at 3pm and 6pm on
Monday the 27th.
Also any stations who want to collect information from
their surrounding counties can provide them at those times or they can be
emailed to this station to be included in the report no later than Monday at
6pm EST
Thanks for all your help and for providing information..
Joseph M. Tedesco KC2DKP/AAR2JI
Western New York Section Emergency Coordinator United
States Army MARS.
ARRL Western New York Section
Section Manager: Laura Mueller, N2LJM
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