The Wn8z/r went fully c4fm and is now connected to the WiresX network. You can hear and talk to hams from around the world. The system is connected to the Americas Link "room". Stop in and help Hat, a frequent user from Okinawa, Japan perfect his english, or talk to the many ht and mobile users from Great Britan, Scotland, Ireland, Australia, or to someone just down the road.
I've heard several local users check in already since being connected. The basic entry point radio is the FTM-3200 2 meter, single band, mobile radio going for under $150.00. Two dual band ht's and two dual band mobiles and a Hf/Vhf/Uhf radio round out the Yaesu line equipped with their brand of digital.
Think of the WiresX network as Echolink on steroids. You will hear not only digital users, but analog too. How so? Let's think about Yaesu's Fusion name for a minute. All of the products are capable of both analog or c4fm digital. This includes the repeaters also. No one is left out - both users can use a Fusion repeater, and if users have correctly configured their radio in the automatic mode selection (AMS) the Fusion radio immediately switches to analog and the conversation continuous.
WiresX hasn't left the analog crowd out either. With the HRI-200 interface (around $130.00) and any Yaesu radio with a six pin din plug in the back you can set up your own personal node at your work, home, or on the road, as long as you have internet available. Yaesu has "fused" digital and analog together, calling it Fusion.
Got a Dv4 mini or a Shark Open Spot and come into the network in DStar, DMR or c4fm. The big time ham manufacturers each have their own idea of digital and none work together. Or do they?
I hear many hams using other radios than Yaesu's brand on the WiresX system, how do they do that?
I guess if the manufacturers won't then it's up to the hams and yes, we hams are doing it. Cross translation between digital modes is already being done. Check out the Wn8z/r on 147.390+ and join in on some of the knowledgeable hams as they talk about projects they are developing.
Do you own a Fusion radio and want to learn more? Check out the "WiresX Bible" for a plain language explanation that includes a tutorial for each model of the Fusion line. This can be found on the site or here:…/WB7OEV-Fusion-PDF-0018_WiRESX-istall.…
Feel free to use the features of your radio and connect to Wn8z/r. Download the rooms list and explore, change to other rooms if you want. You won't break the system.
And most of all - - Have Fun!
de Wn8z: Pat
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