Saturday, August 19, 2017


Net reminder - Monday, 8/21/17 at 19:30 local on the Onondaga County 90/30 repeater (147.300+ PL=67.0).

We will work on NBEMS and FLDigi using a more formal net format. Don’t be intimidated, we will start out with a voice call up and then move to the digital callup. No forms or fancy formatting will be used.
Even if you cannot actively participate (transmit) please consider setting your FlDigi to the announced setting (likely MT63 2KL centered on 1500) and listen in. Your screen will decode the net and you can view it later.

All hams are welcome.

If you are new to this please consider looking at this great resource:
The FLDigi_Config document is well written and will guide you through the setup.

73 - Richard Kilmartin; KB2WAU
Onondaga County RACES R.O.

1 comment:

  1. I was in search of this type of software. NBEMS is a software that allows radio operators to send and recieve data using nearly any computer. I recently implement a Fidgi sound card for Linux programming, it is easy to implement and user friendly.
