Wednesday, January 2, 2019

220 mhz Friday night NET is expanding

The 220 mhz Friday night NET is reaching out further! The KD2SL 224.120 Repeater in Syracuse that hosts the Friday night 220Mhz Net at 7pm, has added more links through the AllStar network. Recent weeks have had 220 Repeaters from all over the country!

This is a general net, open to various discussion topics, but the main intent is to promote use of the 220 mhz band. So come join our net control host; Bob; KD2KKG on this growing Friday night net! 

There is still potential to add in other 220 MHz repeaters in the future for this Friday evening net (through ALLSTAR linking). 

A big Thank you! to Kevin; KD2SL, Dave; W2ACC and Mike; KA2NDW our repeater trustees for adding this great linking capability to their repeaters and hosting this net from here in CNY! Also your host Bob; KD2KKG and his assistant Tim; N2VZD

Some recent Friday night linked in repeaters:  (always looking for more!)

Node Mode  Callsign Channel CTCSS  Location
2592  Transceive  KA1MXL         IRLP #9870  BM TG 31444

27273  Transceive  K2ETS 223.960  110.0  Watchung, NJ

27854  Transceive  WB8GRS 224.98  123    Little Elm, TX
41306  Transceive  N6TBQ 927.900  311          Loma Prieta, Ca
42596  Transceive  KA2NDW        224.470  82.5  Clyde, NY
42693  Transceive  W2ACC 224.260  110.9  Stanley, NY
47463   Echolink  N2DOW         224.120  324784  Kirkville, NY

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