Saturday, April 6, 2019

NIST WWV Time and Frequency station - 100 year celebration in 2019

(from ARRL News 2/14/19)

According to the ARRL news; The fiscal year (FY) 2019 budget — once signed — will include full funding for the WWV stations, which also mark their 100th year this fall. The WWV Centennial Committee has a tentative agreement with the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) to mount a special event station this fall adjacent to the WWV site in Colorado to mark the 100th anniversary of the time and frequency standard station, the world’s oldest continuously operating radio station. A memorandum of understanding is in the works.

Dave Swartz, W0DAS, of the Northern Colorado Amateur Radio Club (NCARC) heads the committee, which is developing plans for an NCARC special event from September 28 through October 2, with a NIST centennial observance tentatively set for October 1.

The NIST budget for WWV, WWVH, and WWVB will remain level for FY 2019. With the funding suspense over, Swartz told ARRL, “our committee is moving forward.”

Swartz and committee members Darren Kalmbach, KC0ZIE, and Kevin Utter, N7GES, met on February 8 with WWV/WWVB/WWVH Station Manager John Lowe, WWV Electronics Technician Glenn Nelson, and WWV Chief Engineer Matt Deutch, N0RGT.

“This was the first meeting for the committee and the first to include NIST upper management,” said Swartz, who called the meeting “very productive.” Swartz said NIST management is “on board” with the celebration, and Deutch pl

WWV 100 year aniversary web site link:

WWV Time services:

History of WWV - link:

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