Saturday, December 7, 2024

25th Anniversary Skywarn Recognition Day - 12/7/24

 CQ CQ CQ... WE'RE UNDERWAY for the 25th Anniversary Skywarn Recognition Day (0000Z to 2359Z Dec 7, 2024)!  This event was developed in 1999 by the NWS and the American Radio Relay League (ARRL), celebrating the contributions that Skywarn volunteers make to the NWS mission:  The protection of life and property.  

Amateur radio operators are a significant portion of Skywarn volunteers/spotters across the country.  When everything else fails, ham radio is the last line of communications (as just occurred with Hurricane Helene when many hundreds of cell towers were knocked out in the Southeast as well as fiber cuts).

While Skywarn Recognition Day features amateur radio contacts being made all over the country, ANY SKYWARN SPOTTERS, FEEL FREE TO "CHECK IN" HERE in the comments section.

more info:

We love our trained spotters!  You provide a critical service in getting the word out of the ground truth of what is really happening, also leading to better warnings and forecasts.  

Thank you! 

NWS Binghamton NY

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