Tuesday, December 3, 2013

New Syracuse Repeater - 146.67 - a note from Kevin, KD2SL

Syracuse has a new 2M repeater, on 146.670, minus offset, 103.5 tone.

Here are some answers to some frequently asked questions, from Kevin, KD2SL  :

Why build another repeater?  Aren’t there enough repeaters already?

Indeed, I’m on record as saying that we have plenty of repeaters – that if you’re going to build a new repeater, you should have something different and unique to offer.  This repeater was born out of the idea that we needed:  1) Excellent wide-area 2m coverage, with strong HT support in the city of Syracuse and surrounding suburbs, AND:  2) A repeater not affiliated with, or controlled by any club or organization.  In Syracuse, you could easily find one or the other, but not BOTH.

Who owns the repeater?  If it’s not a club or organization, where did the money come from?

The great thing about this repeater is that no one person owns it.  Fifteen Syracuse-area hams generously and anonymously contributed the money to build it, as a gift to ALL area hams.  They didn’t do it for recognition, because they don’t even know who the other hams are, or how much they gave, and nobody else will ever know either.  There were no meetings; everything was organized through blind e-mail.  I’m the trustee, but not the owner.

Wasn’t 146.67 already in use?

146.67 was coordinated to another ham several years ago, with a repeater located south of Skaneateles Lake.  However, with the repeater off the air for the past 2 or 3 years, according to UNYREPCO guidelines the frequency becomes eligible for reuse, and official coordination paperwork is currently being processed.

Why isn’t there a courtesy tone?

The final, permanent repeater is still being constructed, and should be ready just before Christmas.  An anonymous person has provided temporary use of a Kenwood TKR-750 for a few weeks.  This allows us to enjoy immediate use of the frequency.  This temporary repeater does not have any bells, whistles or courtesy tone – just a CW ID.  The permanent repeater will have a modern controller with a more typical “sound.”

Where is the repeater?

As with the other repeaters that carry the KD2SL call sign, it is located near the WSTM-TV channel 3 tower on Sentinel Heights.

Will it be linked?

There are currently no plans to link 146.67 with any other repeaters, or the Internet (EchoLink, AllStar, IRLP, etc.).  It will remain a stand-alone repeater, dedicated to Central New York ragchewing.  A possibility for a future upgrade would be a link to one or more other repeaters that could be turned on for public service or emergency use.

Who can use the repeater?

146.67 is a gift to the entire ham community by the 15 anonymous hams who paid for and built it.  It is completely open to ALL well-behaved and licensed hams, regardless of whether or not they helped build it.  EVERYONE is encouraged to stop by and say “hello!”  Regular repeater users are strongly encouraged to make every effort to warmly welcome new users, and draw them into the conversation.

Will there be any nets?

There currently are no nets scheduled, but nets are welcome.  Please contact KD2SL, the repeater trustee before setting up a net.  One idea (that isn’t technically a net) would be a weekly news bulletin broadcast (Amateur Radio Newsline, ARRL Report, etc.).  If anyone wants to volunteer to do this, or has a good suggestion for a day and time, please contact KD2SL.


Once again, I emphasize that this repeater is open to all hams.  The Central New York ham community is made up of a lot of great people, with a huge diversity of interests and experiences.  Our primary goal is that 146.67 be a meeting place where we can all get to know each other better.  For more information, or to make suggestions or comments, please contact Kevin Tubbs (repeater trustee) – KD2SL@yahoo.com.

1 comment:

  1. lately ive had to remove the kd2sl 2 meter repeater from my scan list, as there is constant static on that frequency. any advice or info?
