Friday, February 27, 2015

"Frozen Lakes on the Air" expedition (FLOTA)

KD2ETP; Steve is doing his “frozen lakes on the air expedition”; FLOTA, at Onondaga Lake this Saturday 2/28/15. Catch him on his HT on the KD2SL 146.67 repeater for details. See his planned times and HF frequencies listed below:

 - this will be my band plan for my frozen lakes on the air expedition this weekend. I will plan to get on the ice and set up between 10-11 am Saturday morning.

40m 7.285 (7210 at 3:10pm)
17m 18.115
10m 28.885

Starting at 11am and one hour on each of those frequencies will also have a HT and be monitoring 146.67 while out on the ice. Running QRP on my KX3 and a Buddipole antenna.

(UPDATED with a some pictures fresh from KD2ETP, N2DOW and WO2R)

Please give me a call!

Steve; KD2ETP

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